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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/17 10:35:21 Edit(编辑)
Qualcomm’s antitrust case settled, and Obama sit,

Qualcomm’s antitrust case settled, and Obama sit,

Qualcomm's antitrust case settled, and Obama sit still-high pass, antitrust, an Obama-IT news
Qualcomm's antitrust case settled, and Barack Obama sit up

IT information news on December 17, last November, the NDRC RAID investigation of Qualcomm China. Qualcomm issued a statement shortly after, confirm that the Commission has launched an antitrust investigation of the company.

After a year of investigation, shortly before news that the results are expected to announced shortly. At this juncture, United States President Barack Obama and some sit up. According to the United Kingdom, Reuters reported, Obama repeatedly in recent talks aimed at Qualcomm's antitrust investigation to put pressure on China.

Obama admonished them not to use antitrust to benefit Chinese companies that use foreign technology. White House National Security Council spokesman said the United States Government to pay close attention to China's use of a number of mechanisms, including antitrust laws, which would depress foreign patent value, thus giving Chinese companies will ultimately benefit.

In addition to the exorbitant licensing fees, antitrust investigation focused more on Qualcomm's business model. According to Qualcomm "anti-licensing" requirement, ZTE, Huawei, Lenovo and other phones using Qualcomm chips company, must be to license patents to Qualcomm and not patents to Qualcomm's royalty is imposed by the customer, which means that other handset makers as long as access to Qualcomm's authorized can use "patent pool" this patent belonging to friends.

Qualcomm's antitrust investigations it had previously said China would have an impact on its performance for 2015. In addition to the Chinese Government, United States Federal Trade Commission and the European Commission, also have begun targeting the company's authorized and chip business matters related to investigations.

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