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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/14 9:13:43 Edit(编辑)
Google News Spain swept aside! ,

Google News Spain swept aside! ,

Google News Spain swept aside! -Google, Google News, Spain-IT news
Google News Spain swept aside!

AP United States Google 11th said as Spain new rules that make the "Google News" in Spain is unsustainable and it will start from 16th in Spain closed the news aggregation service. Google said that because of the imminent entry into force of Spain new provisions of intellectual property law, "Google News" can no longer be released free Spain news media production.

Google can't afford "Google tax"

The company said that "Google News" will be held on the 16th of this month in Spain to close, while Spain new statutory intellectual property rights entered into force in January next year.

Spain recent adoption of a law on intellectual property rights, news aggregator, if only to show Spain summary of news media, must also be paid to these media. The law came into effect in January next year, offenders will face a maximum fine of 600,000 euros. This law applies to all of the news aggregation site, but due to "Google News" the typical meaning of the site, thus dealing costs are billed as "Google tax".

"Google News" Chief lichade·jingelasi 10th wrote on his blog that "it is regrettable that, due to the new Spain law, we will soon be in Spain off ' Google News '".

Gingras said the law, if Spain find their news in the media "Google News", even if only a small amount of content, must provide "Google News" charges.

Gingras believes that Spain the law was unreasonable, because "Google News" is not making money, not advertised on the site.

Old and new media, conflict

Media reported that the law commonly known as "Google tax" in October this year, Spain to Parliament for approval. Agence France-Presse reported, Google announced this in Spain shut down the news service was not surprising, as early as this law into Spain during the parliamentary vote, Google issued a similar threat.

United Kingdom Broadcasting Corporation reported that the law does not explicitly, Spain news organizations to the "Google News" charge much higher fees.

In a statement, Google said: "Google News" does not advertise itself has no income, pay practices are unsustainable. Google's decision to redirect Spain media from "Google News" is removed, and Spain close "Google News".

Google also said that traditional media limited in expanding the circulation of printed publications, and the Internet changed everything, and traditional media create great opportunities and serious challenges.

For a long time, "Google News" and the tension between the traditional media. Many newspapers and other news organizations that "Google News" free use on the Web, and publish their news, attracted a large number of Internet users, which seriously infringes their intellectual property rights.

Google News was accused of stealing

United Kingdom Broadcasting Corporation reported, face new legal norm, Google began to change practices, opinions from relevant before the news media organizations agree.

"Google News" through the aggregation algorithm in the background, bringing together news resources from news sources around the world, such stories are grouped together and displayed according to personal preference. Google says that "Google News" has 70 foreign editions, covering 35 languages, brought 10 billion to 60,000 media website hits per month.

Spain daily newspaper publishers association on lobbying Parliament adopted the above-mentioned laws. These traditional media accused the "Google News" news aggregators, such as stealing the fruits of their labor for free. Spain Google was the first country to withdraw from news aggregation service for legal reasons.

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