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published in(发表于) 2016/8/27 18:52:54 Edit(编辑)
China’s first domestic “multi Zebra“ appearance: from black technology guardian,

China’s first domestic “multi Zebra“ appearance: from black technology guardian,(中国国内首条“多元斑马线”亮相:来自黑科技的守护,)



China's first domestic "multi Zebra" appearance: from the black science guardian-Zebra-IT information

On August 27, when the adults told the children to go out safely, often saying "watch the road". Although there is the zebra crossing, under complex road conditions, however, cross the road is still dangerous, especially now that many people enjoy walking and looking at mobile phones, invisible to improve a dangerous crossing.

Pagoda along the Avenue, River Road, Yichang in Hubei Province, one more than more than more than 30 meters wide and more than 3 meters long "multi Zebra" flashing warning light in the night. "Multi Zebra" S.C.T pedestrian guard system, which consists of pedestrian detection, intelligent control, crossing warning lights, flashing warning Spike, auxiliary light crossing the street lamps, do not yield to pedestrian illegal capture unit 4 parts.

"Multiple crossing" through video analysis, thermal imaging technology to determine pedestrian about to cross the road, then passes the signal in real time to the control, immediately triggering Flash spike warning past vehicle deceleration comity.

It is reported that the "multiple crossing" has been used three accident-prone road sections on the ground.

中国国内首条“多元斑马线”亮相:来自黑科技的守护 - 斑马线 - IT资讯





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