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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/14 9:13:33 Edit(编辑)
Disable Microsoft Bing,Facebook free search services will be developed,

Disable Microsoft Bing,Facebook free search services will be developed,

Deactivate Microsoft Bing,Facebook development-Facebook,Bing free search services, the Microsoft-IT news
Deactivate Microsoft Bing,Facebook will develop their own search service

IT information provided according to official Facebook spokesperson told Reuters news, Facebook will stop using search results from Microsoft's Bing and instead concentrate on developing its own search service. On Monday this week, Facebook announced its independently developed search tool that allows users to quickly search for and find the comments and other content published in the past.

The spokesman said: "Facebook will no longer display any Web search results, because we focus on helping people find the content they share on Facebook. After you deactivate the Microsoft Bing search, and we will cooperate with Microsoft in many other areas. "

Founder Mark Zuckerberg said that Facebook search is a critical link in the growth plan. Meeting to be held as early as July 2014, Zuckerberg mentioned that on Facebook, over 1 billion searches a day. Users to share a wealth of information on Facebook, will be enough to replace the search on the Web to get answers.

In October 2007, Microsoft has spent about $ 240 million, has made Facebook stake of about 1.65%. As part of the deal, Microsoft has made long banner ads on the Facebook website. But in 2010, Facebook stopped using banner ads, has strengthened its control over the platform advertising. As of press time, Microsoft has not done anything in response. (via:WinBeta

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