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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/14 9:13:09 Edit(编辑)
12, buyers and sellers are exhausted,

12, buyers and sellers are exhausted,

12, buyers and sellers are struggling-dual 12, 12, net purchases-IT news
12, buyers and sellers are struggling

Create sales miracle "double 11" has not been a full moon, a "double 12" came again. But relative to this year's "double 11" miracle cat 57.1 billion yuan in sales in the face of "double 12" from business to consumer, enthusiasm waned.

Platform tired plain Festival

Open "hao123", "Web site encyclopedia" Web site navigation page directly will be able to see the Mall "as low as 12 dollars", the suningyi "double 12 Festival" ads, even independent of the net that link "Taobao double 12" special link.

"Double 12" war is still there, but the smoke flavor than ever before. This year's "double 12" period, the platform remains with "full cut", grab a red envelope, Spike and other traditional activities.

Activity remains relatively plentiful for Taobao. It is reported that this year's "double 12" period, Taobao, change the original product category "shelves" search mode, depending on the needs of different groups, divided into approximately 200 shopping scene, aim to provide a one-stop solution.

Compared with its predecessors, this year launched major e-commerce activities still seem to be too "naive". In 2012, Taobao has launched "ask price" activities, buyer and seller may agree to the selling price of that year, East of Beijing launched a "beauty mission delivery" service in 2013, Taobao to launch "sweeping the yard purchase." But this year, the competition moves to see traces.

"Double 12" while popular than "double 11", but some large logistics companies are still stocked in advance people, cope with the coming peak Express.

Price little difficult to buy

Ten days ago, Taobao goods stamped "12.12 million extravaganza" labels, some of the goods also posted a "double 12" day at discounted prices, but offers many consumers disappointed.

Miss people found inside our Taobao shopping cart item, even though he turned "12.12 million extravaganza" label, but "double 12" prices are cheaper than usual that day 1 money, carefully compared to other stores "double 12" marking goods, almost all have less than 10 Yuan discount.

"Double 12" electric business promotional intensity, this has also been confirmed by the local electrical companies. An electrical contractor business owners said, "didn't want to do promotions, only send something to want to shop for the holidays, on which no sales volume has been snatched away, would like to think I do it. ”

"There is no motivation of strengthening promotion, is a consumer of tea, ' 11' tea now may have finished, ' double 12' is odd. "Kei-Tung Heung Su Qingyang, General Manager, said that" double 12 "Apart from drainage of individual commodities as a promotional, during most of the concessions are not too big," after all, continuous bargains on brand image is not good. ”

Compared to the "6·18" year of promotion and "double 11" big promotions such as nodes, "double 12" the more awkward moment, business operations, consumer buying power in "double 11" is already overdrawn.

Trends in mobile terminal into the military will fight

"Double 11", 45.5% cats of days transactions from mobile. Compared with its predecessors dominated by PC-side channels, "double 12" period, e-commerce sales channel more inclined to a mobile terminal, and patterns and more.

"Double 12" Taobao has a new photo shopping functions of mobile phones, consumers adopt Android client of swept a sweep function, to the right of a picture for women, less than a second, sold styles nearly identical shops will appear on the screen, or in-kind photo search product.

Kei-Tung Heung Su Qingyang, General Manager, told reporters that the latest developments in enterprise planning, is positioned as a mobile sales the first year of the company next year, will be efforts to develop mobile client, "now we are associated with some tea on the PC side food sellers store associate, would focus on moving matches at the end of next year. ”

Strategy Le electric commercial sector of head Huang Xin is said, currently also no which appliances commercial enterprise can through himself built of mobile port large "sucking powder", also is to first followed platform go, gives mobile end customer more offers, tie platform training consumers in mobile end of consumption habits, "to has next year, on will began vigorously do enterprise owned Online Mall of mobile end promotion has. ”

State administration for industry and Commerce:

Tin cat, 1th, shops selling fake goods intercepted

The State administration for industry and Commerce announced on 11th "11·11" during the sampling results of the e-commerce platform promotional merchandise, has confirmed 8 batches of samples for counterfeit goods, in which the Cat 3, 1th, shop 2, Le bee network, suningyi, the Amazonian one. Another 7 batches of product quality or labelling of samples was illegal. Samples of detected problems related to shoes, bags, accessories, gifts, cosmetics and accessories for digital in six categories.

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