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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/11 9:22:52 Edit(编辑)
London police use software predicts crime

London police use software predicts crime

London police use software predicts crime-IT-software predicts crime news
London police use software predicts crime

London police recently Japan anime PSYCHO-PASS trial idea into a reality. The basic concept of this animation are: human's psychological state and personality tendencies can be numerical analysis, and analyze crime numbers to determine "potentially guilty"-a presumption of guilt of the suspect.

Accenture has developed a software that analyzes data in a police database of London. Including geographic location, their past record, links with other criminals, or even people post on social networks. The software can even record and analyze the threats made by gang members in the social media, such as freedom of expression, and negative comments, in order to more accurately predict potentially criminal gang members.

However, the concept itself is controversial. United Kingdom, a privacy think tank expert said this project would have been unfair to certain target groups, which not only ignored the people's right to privacy, at the same time has caused discrimination.

United Kingdom police responded by saying, research in order to improve efficiency in cracking criminal gang cases and limited use of data. But opponents believe that minority rights with any other groups, should be included in the law within the framework of respect and protection.

But here's the thing, whether on a network making snide comments, publicly expressed dissatisfaction with the social set as potential criminals who deserve to be? Whether gang members with criminal records in the past are more likely to become repeat offenders? The study met with some strong protests from privacy-rights groups.

In any case, the inference of this technology are still waiting for more rigorous verification.

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