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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/11 9:22:25 Edit(编辑)
Flexible warehouse zone fire announcement: express no loss

Flexible warehouse zone fire announcement: express no loss

Flexible warehouse zone fire announcement: express no losses-YTO Express, yuantong, yuantong express warehouse-IT news
Flexible warehouse zone fire announcement: express no loss

IT information news on December 11, it was previously reported, Wenli plastic company caught fire yesterday morning, though no casualties, but fires hit the yuantong express warehouse downstairs , were bought by many netizens worried.

In this regard, the Zhejiang yuantong give written notice to customers on the Internet said that fire had not spread to the flexible warehouse, therefore no casualties, express basic without loss, but yuantong express operational zone wenling branch did suffer a certain impact, however, yuantong wenling branch is actively seized of the matter and on emergency response programme to ensure express operational needs.

Wenling city, Zhejiang yuantong rumors on the Internet following is fire in the event of notice to customers of the original:

Dear yuantong customers:

10:50 December 10, 2014, down West Street, wenling AO Avenue and 2nd Avenue intersection in Kowloon Park mountain machinery company in case of fire, the Park comprises three companies namely the plastics company, six rings shoe factory (unknown), yuantong wenling branch (wenling city, Wen circle Express Co., Ltd.). Things started the Park six-ring plastics company caught fire and spread to a shoe factory, thereby affecting yuantong express operational area branch in wenling city, caused branch and shoe factories collapse of partition walls in wenling city. When the flames spread to a shoe factory had been firefighters to control, so no casualties, express no loss!

At present because the factories go overboard or into dangerous structures, in order to prevent accidents, fire departments do not allow Branch continued to use the ground operation in wenling city, threatens to affect the subsequent shipment operations will, for which we apologize. For the inconvenience, please understand. Yuantong wenling branch is actively seized of the matter and on emergency response programme to ensure express operational needs! Thank you for your support of tact, as always!

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