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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/9/8 11:52:07 Edit(编辑)
Overseas purchasing chaos: round abroad, fake cards,

Overseas purchasing chaos: round abroad, fake cards,

Overseas purchasing chaos: when abroad, around a circle produces big-Haitao-IT news
Overseas purchasing chaos: when abroad, around a circle and fake big

On August 1, the General Administration of Customs issued on cross-border trade turnover boundary cargo, the goods notice on the regulatory issues of electronic commerce, this is the first book specifically engaging in cross border e-commerce business and behavioral regulation of businesses and individuals, indicating that authorities start to the overseas purchasing and moving to regulate the beleaguered industry. What problems exist in the industry? Why the regulatory bottleneck? New rules can become a period of overseas purchasing wild "Terminator"? In this regard, journalist investigation.

Hidden trick, chaos for beautiful eyes

Just 67 percent of the price of domestic brand-name stores, you can buy the same product, the temptation for many hard to resist. One time, overseas residents become the new darling of consumption. But the ensuing market chaos quickly pushed the industry into a savage period of development, to ridicule.

"Duty free shop photos, reservation invoice receipt, dust bag, gift bags, instruction manual ... ..." in the United Kingdom studying Li Lin before the holidays are always busy, in Taobao, QQ, micro-purchase information on the letter, make the difference to buy return tickets. Here with Li Lin, which many students involved in the purchase of, but the "contents" are different. Some even specifically responsible for receiving domestic package, change the packaging, and then sent back the same way.

"Round abroad, ' the cottage ' suit. "Xu Xiao engaged in overseas purchasing for 4 years on such unappealing, but couldn't do anything.

In Canada studying Xiao Lin runs a shop, on the app every day to promote a variety of international brands of luggage, publish their own photos of goods in a foreign country, the label "grass hither" "counters get" gimmicks such as orders, continued. Knows ways of purchasing Li Lin explained that the so-called "original foreign trade", and mostly follow the same genuine leather, produced by the same process, but the hardware is "Cottage".

Grey areas, standardizing management difficulties

Customs Service official said, for a long time, for overseas purchasing behavior, and is in accordance with the relevant provisions to deal with inbound and outbound personal postal articles, and does not have specific laws and regulations to definitions and constraints. Some imported taxable goods "split votes, the fudge for individual" items ", through the mail and express channels of entry, have exceeded a" reasonable, personal use "that is, in fact, use of concessions on personal tax, evading tariffs, exorbitant profits.

In practice, however, it is difficult to clearly define whether clearance items are "reasonable, personal use" category. Xu Xiao admitted that their overseas purchasing 4 decades, the "buyer" frequently brought cargo entry and exit have been tax-free, has never stuck by customs.

Actual regulatory challenges to overseas purchasing industry become grey areas, product quality and safety issues that come with it. Because the evidence is not, consumers ' rights and interests to be protected.

"The buyers themselves are not true or false goods, so it is impossible to store counter goods, sellers naturally encounter. "Xu Xiao believes that overseas purchasing buyer-seller relationship depends on good faith, create insurmountable obstacles to consumer rights.

The combination of unblocking and purchasing new rules specification

August 1, new rules are considered so that overseas purchasing industry into a law standardizing operational phase. Under the new rules, overseas residents are included in the tax system, individual purchase behavior needs to be taken "list of nuclear" way to handle e-commerce turnover boundary goods customs clearance procedures, and submitted to the Customs order, payment, logistics and other information, to facilitate the monitoring, consumer protection will be documented. Incomplete overseas purchasing behavior, suspected of smuggling, tax evasion, will be subject to customs penalties.

New rules blocked sparse, allowing overseas purchasing behaviors, strict supervision, allow individuals to shop overseas purchasing business were in great shock.

Xiao Lin said, according to the new rules, counterfeit goods, "country tour" has come unstuck genuine had to pay a lot of taxes, costs will be greatly improved; but if you do not comply with the new rules for registration and may be accused of smuggling. "Just wait and see, bad switch. ”

Shenzhen Customs said a staff member, on regulation, Bank of industry and commerce, customs, finance, quality control, and many other sectors are still at the stage of individual combat, the urgent need for the Government to strengthen the top design and coordination of the system.

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