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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/14 8:17:51 Edit(编辑)
Palace House is expected to open the year after next the big tall black, fought for the Qing emperor praying for rain

Palace House is expected to open the year after next the big tall black, fought for the Qing emperor praying for rain

High Palace Hall is expected to open the year after next the Qing emperor Xuan's rain | Palace House _ the big tall black news

Beijing News dispatch (reporter intern Ying Wong Li Dan) "Let us see this moment. "Yesterday at 10 o'clock in the morning, National Palace Museum Director Shan jixiang, went into the House of the big tall black" three doors ", the slightly excited to say that an IOU" borrowed "the big tall black Palace, closed after more than 60 years later, is expected to open in 2016, for the public.

By "borrowing" 60 years

Jingshan high between the North Sea and the Black Temple, within the red walls of the courtyard has been closed for more than 60 years.

It is the only Royal Temple of Ming and Qing dynasties of China, dating from the Ming Jiajing 21 years (1542).

This Taoist temple near the Shenwu Gate of the forbidden city has been an integral part of the forbidden city, but by 1950, where occupied by the original unit with a paper IOU "borrowed" to go, "said at the exhibition, only oral agreements. "Shan jixiang said that in 1956 after the end of the exhibition, Gao Xuandian in case of without consent of the Imperial Palace, was loaned again.

In fact, the 1956 forbidden city has property rights under the State Council. However, until 2010, the National Palace Museum signed with the original until the big tall black Palace transfer agreement and thoroughly completed a free transfer back in May 2013.

Lou Hall hasn't suffered for the guests

However, there was an Imperial Palace "claw back" Gao Xuandian due to disrepair, serious injury, including tile surface damage and renovation demolition, painting and LMH baluster, stone artifacts, such as steeplechase missing corrupt. Moreover, for a long time, Big Tall Black Temple Court in several sidaluanjian of modern buildings, incongruously against the cultural landscape as a whole.

There are some ancient buildings had previously been used as a repair shop, and piled up a lot of debris, inflammables, smoke, lightning, fire-fighting facilities are inadequate, a great threat to the architectural heritage of ontological security.

"Can't come at that time. "Shan jixiang, memories, just a year before" recovery ", the courtyard awash with garbage and debris, more than six months after the forbidden city staff have been cleaned up.

At present, the Royal temples also have more than more than 20 illegally built, three main buildings within the hospital, Gan Yuan GE, and only after more than a year to repair, restored to its original condition.

Repairs will be opened to the public

Shan jixiang, introducing, restoration project is expected to start before the end of the second period, expected duration 1.5 years in 2016, the Royal Temple is expected to open towards the public.

Where da Gao Xuan, as the main hall of the temple is based on maintaining historical original principle, hold Taoist relics exhibition, "there are plans to cooperate with Wutai Mountain. "He said that Wan Falei Tan House nine days after the plan set to digital Palace Museum, because outside the forbidden city can be closed without time limits, and viewers will also be able to visit here in the evening.

Qianyuan Pavilion West side Hall, no longer rehabilitation, will be built as a small square and open for the public.

According to reports yesterday, Ming official architecture study on protection of key research base of national heritage Board and the National Palace Museum and Research Institute Institute of ancient architecture, Jianfu Palace Garden in the forbidden city had set up the ceremony.


  Weeds within the canopy tree house on long

Yesterday morning, this long is not repaired within the Royal Temple, is quite dilapidated.

Hospital over more than 20 modern construction has not been removed, transverse vertical interlace to the sides or in front of the Hall, some buildings, old trees are still "strong" growth.

Since the South "three doors" to the North is the big tall black Palace. Roof visible weeds, Dan PI crane Dragon still clear, but red doors is mottled, wooden door frames covered with shades of crack.

Push in, wood construction unique smell mixed with dust from nostrils. Dim light in the Hall, holding flashlights lighting. East side still retains the original occupation of the Hall set up the stage, shown here was used as a Hall, walls still have the slogans of the cultural revolution-style thick.

However, out of the torch, Golden Dragon statue on the top of the temple is still very high and mighty, painted on the ceiling are covered in dust but also clear.

The face 7 rooms, within the Hall is about 12 meters high statue of was originally dedicated to the Taoist sanqing, initially as a fairy of Jiajing Emperor, it was rebuilt during the reign of the eaves Wu Ding of the highest standard.

Wan Falei altar apse of nine days of its southern side is in a similar situation, where the Qing emperors worshipped Thor praying for rain, but is now restored to its original condition, and also needed to remove the late installation of wood flooring and other items.

Throughout the entire place covers an area of 13,000 square meters of courtyard, strewn on the ground, covered with weeds, only the Northwest corner "round sky" Gan Yuan GE, mahogany gold lacquer on the exterior has completed repairs and is "sunshine".


Parts painting severely damaged to be redrawn

According to reports, qianyuan GE risk appears tilted, so the earliest renovation, started on June 30, 2011, one year after completion. Course works comprise expose tile, thatch marl rejection of cut-backs, wall repair, repair station, the optional reinforcement wood structures, masonry, renovation refurbishing wooden decorated base and paint decoration, oil painting, and so on.

The next 1.5 years, big tall black Palace Wan Falei altar also according to its original condition and nine days for repairs.

Shan jixiang, introduction, Gao Xuandian has completed the second phase of the renovation programme at present, waiting for approval, phase II is expected to start by the end of this year. Focus of the demolition of illegally built is the next step, "dismantling required bidding, by a professional company. "In addition, some torn paintings also needs to be redrawn.

Forbidden City Institute of ancient architecture Zhang Kegui believes that drop painting renovation repair ancient buildings of the temple, one of the difficulties, "according to the outer and the inner eaves deal with them differently. "He said that falls outside the Temple of painting some of the damage is very serious, but there are local places not too broken, need to sort it out.

"Not too serious, keeping the original marks and practices. "Zhang Kegui introduction, painting by retaining more complete, including gilded brackets and ceiling were retained during the reign of their original condition," shining very well ", so repair less difficult. Painting of individual loss is difficult to put back you need to redraw.

Zhang Kegui, in repairing the temple falls also needs to retain its original characteristics of Taoism, the building itself needs to keep the style, "cannot disappear during the process of investigation and repair. ”

This plate photography/Beijing News journalist Pu Feng

(Original title: Royal Temple high black Hall is expected to open the year after next)

(Edit: SN098)
02:39 August 14, 2014 The Beijing News

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