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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/3 8:12:03 Edit(编辑)
Game Highway over more than 20 avalanches occurred in Xinjiang, traffic control two days

Game Highway over more than 20 avalanches occurred in Xinjiang, traffic control two days(新疆赛果高速公路发生20余起雪崩,交通管制两日)

Game Highway over more than 20 avalanches occurred in Xinjiang Xinjiang | | | Expressway traffic control two days _ avalanche news

Beijing, February 2 (Zhu Jingchao Zhang Kejing) reporter learned from road authority guozigou in yili, Xinjiang branch, in view of the recent series of more than more than 20 avalanches oleole Highway disrupted traffic on two consecutive days were forced to close.

It is understood that from January 29 to February 1, results in Xinjiang highway under the influence of temperature and continuous snowfall, avalanches occur more than 20 employees, and fruit in the gully often 6 to 7 winds blowing, visibility was less than 100 meters. To ensure traffic safety during the Spring Festival travel season passing vehicles and the safety of rescue personnel, the yili Prefecture people's Government for decision, January 31, 19:00-10 o'clock Beijing time GMT, February 1 19:00-10 o'clock Beijing time GMT, guozigou section (K4161-k4198) for temporary two-way traffic control.

Yili Prefecture local weather forecast, February 3 from the afternoon of 5th guozigou area generally have moderate to heavy snow, with 5 to 7 to the Northwest, temperatures continue to fall. Crew reminded the General Division of the guozigou Highway Management Branch, fruit of the trench is likely to avalanche, driver must drive carefully, controlling distance, security go slow.

At present, the results have been removed from the highway traffic control, keep a normal movement of the vehicle.

(Original title: match results in Xinjiang highway traffic control over more than 20 avalanches that occurred two days)

(Edit: SN098)
February 02, 2014 China News Network
新疆赛果高速公路发生20余起雪崩 交通管制两日|高速公路|新疆|雪崩_新闻资讯

  中新网2月2日电(朱景朝 张可静) 记者从新疆伊犁公路管理局果子沟分局了解到,由于近日连续发生20余起雪崩,赛果高速路交通受阻,连续两日被迫封闭。

  据了解,自1月29日至2月 1日,新疆赛果高速公路受气温和连续降雪影响,发生雪崩20余起,并且果子沟沟内时常刮起6至7级大风,能见度不足100米。为保证春运期间过往车辆的行车安全和抢险救援人员的生命安全,经伊犁州人民政府决定,1月31日北京时间19:00-2月1日北京时间10点,2月1日北京时间19:00-2月2日北京时间10点,果子沟路段(K4161-k4198处)实行临时双向交通管制。

  伊犁州本地天气预报显示, 2月3日下午至5日,果子沟地区普遍有中到大雪,有5到7级西北风,气温继续下降。果子沟公路管理分局提醒广大司乘人员,果子沟内很可能会发生雪崩,司机朋友切忌谨慎驾驶,控制车距,安全慢行。


(原标题:新疆赛果高速公路发生20余起雪崩 交通管制两日)


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