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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/7/27 17:52:59 Edit(编辑)
Setting up a private bank, Tencent and Alibaba faced off again,

Setting up a private bank, Tencent and Alibaba faced off again,

Setting up a private bank, Tencent and Alibaba faced off again-private bank, Alibaba group, Tencent-IT news Setting up a private bank, Tencent and Alibaba but also confront the

Tencent's official ' reaching the banking sector.

Although Internet companies bid for the most vocal Lyde, small private banks financial services group, but on July 25, formally disclosed by the CBRC approved the preparation of three private banks, without the shadow, but with Tencent, Alibaba in tit-for-tat in the financial sector of the Internet. Tencent is involved in setting up a private bank called "qianhai in Shenzhen micro-banks" (Webank), main sponsor of Tencent, source of all trades and businesses companies. Two approved homes, the Wenzhou civil and commercial banks, as well as Tianjin Jincheng Bank.

As disclosed by the company, former sea all the registered capital of 3 billion yuan, Tencent's three main shareholders, business source investments and the founding group's stake, and 30% and 20% respectively.

We can come back as the "Shenzhen sea before banks" of the past and present. Early in the year when the market was in a heat transfer company will cooperate with China vanke preparatory is a private bank, which will be located in qianhai in Shenzhen economic zone, called the "sea banks." At the time speculation has been rife that the former Sea Bank will adopt a network approach, group is intended for individual consumers and small businesses. However, it was denied the parties; for now, sea banks before its shareholders did not appear in vanke's figure, however, Tencent, and sure enough there.

In response to this message, Tencent said, "want to connect via the Internet the vast number of consumers, individuals, micro-enterprises, small and medium financial institutions, creating a favorable financial ecosystem, through the cooperation, support and allocation of resources between each other, to create innovations in banking, financial community, offering services to more individuals and SMEs and entrepreneurs. "In other words, shares of Tencent, the Bank's target customers, and rumors have little access.

Meanwhile, Tencent has revealed former sea-banks business running mode: it will combine the Internet's ability to provide services different from traditional bank diversity, primarily aimed at individuals or small micro-enterprise loan demand. Former sea banks will conduct business using the Internet platform, and with other financial institutions to conduct business – but it is not clear whether the solid dot below the line to be opened.

You should also remember that first trumpeted abroad apply for private banking licence is Ali micro-financial services group, and universal group in the CBRC's first pilot program established 5 private banks party one seat. At that time, Alibaba announced universal Holdings Limited and China apply for licences for private banks as sponsors, Party Secretary of the Hangzhou financial Office and rumors by Yu Sheng as Ali network Bank. Two days ago (July 23), Yu Sheng law officially Ali, General Manager of micro-credit.

In the former sea shortly after the news of this micro-banks, Yu Sheng also heard from publicly for the first time, saying "as one of the first 5 pilot of private bank, we want to combine small efforts by private banks over the past decade to better secure innovation and serve the real economy, we are actively in the process of preparing, and every possible direction and fully proved. "Some media reported that Ali has not been submitted to the CBRC relevant construction programmes and materials, therefore did not appear on the approved list. But I'm afraid it's only a matter of time.

Clearly, following the Internet banking, the "taxi software wars", instant messaging applications, Alibaba and Tencent have faced off at the private banks to apply for. And they hands are holds important chips: Ali small micro gold clothing group emerges from Yu paid treasure, in Alibaba of B2B, and B2C and C2C three a electric commercial platform Shang respectively sent displayed has for SMEs of small micro loan business, and guarantees business, and credit paid service, and last year vigorously promoted of Internet financial business--balances treasure, also will days Philip Fund income under; and Tencent already in Shenzhen Qian sea Shenzhen modern services cooperation District established has 6 home company, registered amount over 1.6 billion, has media reported, These companies include two e-commerce companies, a small loan company, three industrial investment fund companies, while also using the app platform formed a partnership with dozens of fund companies. In addition, they both also share a "son": Chung on insurance. This is not the business of war, but it must have been an opportunity to compete for.

Don't worry, these private banks are still in the pipeline, and is unlikely to lead to a big storm (this can be from the current Sea-Bank disclosure of business operations and target audience can be seen), and most likely the future will face the constraints of the existing policy on the financial sector, as well as the backlash from traditional banking. However, you can still see that Internet companies covet in the financial sector are not satisfied at the Monetary Fund, insurance, wealth management and P2P lending was tinkering around in the pool, they show a more active stance than firms in other sectors, from the privately-run Bank's Gate slowly opened eagerly slipped in the cracks.

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