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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/7/19 7:30:14 Edit(编辑)
Dangdang admitted students agents owed wages: next week, clearing,

Dangdang admitted students agents owed wages: next week, clearing,

Dangdang admitted students agents owed wages: next week, knot-NET-IT news Dangdang admitted students agents owed wages: next week's knot

On July 18, today Twitter whine, a junior at Beijing Polytechnic University, campus of as dangdang agent June this year, whereas in completing promotion tasks are not available to pay upfront fees paid. According to the involved students said, not just failed to when I got my salary, or even pre-5000 Yuan fee paid or recovered; in unpaid wages in the process, students are exposed to verbal threats and ridicule.

Agency defaults graduate pay event, dangdang, issued a statement saying, "next week, will urge the Agency pay the fees to students in a timely manner, if it did not pay, dangdang has promised direct payments not owed a penny. ”

Dangdang statement reads as follows :

1, in June of this year net agency company and students at the University campus to make clothing to promote pilot activities;

2, end of July 10 event, results and statistics need to be approved by the time, active agents and 500,000 students the amount of ambiguity and communication misunderstandings arise in payment;

3, dangdang, urged the Agency to pay the fees to students in a timely manner next week, if it did not pay, dangdang promised to direct payments, not to default on a dime!

4, dangdang thanked all involved in, also supports the extension of students ' friends, your enthusiasm and makes us feel the exuberance of youth and the joy of marketing!

5, dangdang, attention to the College market, intensified in early on a pilot basis, plans to invest 50 million yuan during the year, nationwide campus promotion when clothes, welcome to student friends to join the partnership!


On July 18, 2014

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