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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/16 8:32:06 Edit(编辑)
Tesla’s new plan: small cars will be introduced,

Tesla’s new plan: small cars will be introduced,

Tesla's new plan: will introduce a small car-Tesla Motors, Tesla Model 3 electric cars-IT news Tesla's new plan: to launch small cars

Today, Tesla Motors announced new plans in the official Twitter renamed Model 3-a small electric car, this vehicle volume will be smaller than the Model s 20%, offers mileage of up to 200 miles at a time. Auto Express thinks this car is Tesla's response against competitors BMW 3 series, which is expected to be unveiled in 2016, started scheduled next year.

Tesla's Vice President of engineering Chris Porritt said earlier in an interview with Autocar, based on Model s Model 3 does not use aluminum platform, and the company will rely on more economical cost to reduce the overall cost of the battery.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said in an interview, used the name Model 3 with Ford's legal troubles also has a certain origin, originally wanted to use the name Model e, but Ford says it will sue the Tesla Model 3 this name change.

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