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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/16 8:32:04 Edit(编辑)
Teacher porn webmaster, netted 40,000 captured

Teacher porn webmaster, netted 40,000 captured

Teacher porn webmaster, webmasters profit caught 40,000-teacher sex, porn sites, the chemistry teacher, Internet porn-IT news Teacher porn webmaster, netted 40,000 caught

This year 35-year-old Zhao is Taizhou, a private high school chemistry teacher, is surprising, his teacher by day, preach at night into a porn site webmaster, spread pornography, just over two months to make a profit of more than 40,000 yuan.

Taizhou led police, destroyed the site behind a Web site dissemination of pornographic material for profit Alliance of arrested 7 suspects.

Signs found

Middle school teacher who runs a porn site

In March, the Taizhou pharmaceutical high-tech District Public Security Bureau police daily on the Internet and found a company called "1616ys body art" website some of the strange, the site while evoking body art, spreading picture is three-point try truffles, and unsightly.

Through technical means, police found, site maintenance is located in Taizhou city sheng and the Garden District. After a period of time the investigation, on May 15, police capture webmaster, his identity to everyone by surprise. After investigation, the webmaster Zhao, 35, is a private high school chemistry teacher in Taizhou, likes computer. Identified, Zhao had spread over more than 600 pornographic pictures.

Built as a teacher why porn sites spreading pornographic images? Modern Express Reporter was informed that although Zhao is a chemistry teacher, the network was very interested in, often after work in the technical forum, met a group of experts in network technologies, also found the way to make money. Zhao's account, he met a man named "CITIC Affiliate" website and the webmaster high. He learned by helping affiliate software hits, money would come.

In-depth investigation

Placed pornographic images to attract Web users click on profit-making

Police investigation found that from April 2013, CITIC advertising collection nearly thousands of small online media resources form a coalition, letting website owners guise body art website, inserts affiliate codes, jump on pornographic websites and advertising. CITIC ad networks on the main site actual data for monitoring the effectiveness of online advertising statistics, and ad clicks advertisers pay advertising fees with the site owners were distributed.

"CITIC advertising Alliance and intermediary companies. "Pharmaceutical high-tech District Public Security Bureau Security Brigade cases and Squadron Captain Yin Wei introduced CITIC upstream of the ad network are advertisers, downstream is close to thousands of websites, advertisers need to develop some unknown software, affiliate sites shall be used. Advertisers pay CITIC advertising software promotion expenses, downstream sites network code is inserted in the Web site, CITIC advertising based on Web hits and paid for software downloads, which make the difference.

In order to increase clicks and downloads, Web sites often take the form of insert popup ads, placement of pornographic images to attract Internet users click on, users click, the software is automatically installed and downloaded. Zhao is one of thousands of webmasters, starting from March this year, he used his Web site to join CITIC ad networks, load pornographic pictures on a Web site to help promote software advertising, illegal profits of more than 40,000 yuan.

Follow it

Advertisers and Union Station were afternoon

A police investigation found that remained active for nearly 3 months of website owners about 20 members, scattered in more than 10 provinces such as Fujian, Hainan, Liaoning, each of these site owners ranging from 1 to 5 websites. Between May and February 2014, based on number of hits the site billing, CITIC ad networks through online banking payment amounting to more than 2 million Yuan. Upon further investigation, preliminary identification, CITIC ad network is a nationwide network of provinces and dissemination of pornographic material for profit groups.

Police set up a task force, and in more than two months, after more than 10 provinces such as Liaoning, Fujian, Hainan, and being captured by advertisers, CITIC affiliate webmasters and site owners 7. Shaw to the advertiser for the purpose of profit, knowing that the CITIC pornographic electronic information within the ad network Web site, and provided funds to its advertising and suspected crime of dissemination of pornographic material for profit.

CITIC affiliate webmaster Gao is after the March 2013 high through the know network technician white commissioned white building CITIC advertising, website architecture, in its addition of Korea and China's Guangdong and other places on the server operation CITIC affiliate Web site. Website running, Gao by recruiting advertisers and website owners to join, put ads on the site, clearing the way for profit.

At present, the police are still doing further investigation on the case.

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