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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/5 8:35:11 Edit(编辑)
Samsung play this airport,

Samsung play this airport,

Samsung play this airport-Samsung, Samsung Galaxy S5,Galaxy S5 Samsung S5-IT information Samsung to play to the airport

Samsung's most well-known perhaps is its smart phone business, such as the new flagship Galaxy S5. But apart from the mobile phone, Samsung and many other business, related to television, home appliances, computers and even parts of these devices. Therefore, in the context of shaping the future, Samsung has a big advantage, because it can develop and build virtually all fee-related technology.

Samsung recently showed some concept pictures and reports about the ZDNet shares. One of the most attractive technology is a vision of the future Airport: airport around large screens on the walls display a variety of information and advertising. Fully electronic ticketing work, using facial recognition technology, passengers do not need to show their identity papers.

All airport retail install touch-screen monitors, information that can be used to find variety of merchandise on sale, while you can also view the product evaluation.

Smart phones can also be used to scan QR codes on the display around the airport, use the Smartphone as a remote control screen to find the information you need.

Following to ZDNet shares, coherent picture.


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