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published in(发表于) 2016/5/2 8:21:58 Edit(编辑)
Chinese Otaku uncomfortable: what fenqing do not like Japan anime? ,

Chinese Otaku uncomfortable: what fenqing do not like Japan anime? ,(中国宅男不爽:为啥愤青不喜欢日本动漫?,)



Chinese Otaku uncomfortable: what fenqing do not like Japan anime? -The second element, Otaku, anime-IT information

As the animation industry Power, Japan's anime in overseas markets, while in China, Japan animation have become a daily hobby of many young people, every day we are able to experience from the topic comments area you deep love. But at the same time, sometimes also found some users with a more radical rhetoric to attack Japan anime, shows a cynical mind. These fenqing will often with fans, a lot of disputes, or even a comment area into a battlefield. So what fenqing do not like Japan anime questions?

Views: isolation is the worst idea

Now, some boast that he was the "angry young men" who's thinking is "blind opposition" that only homemade stuff is the best, like foreign culture is a heresy. Especially with China where the deadliest battle in the history of Japan, but they felt unable to accept the country's "cultural invasion".

On the surface, resist foreign decadent cultural invasions does not seem to be any problem. Summarize the reasons China in history behind the world, in fact, precisely because closed leads. Have an open mind, fully understand the appeal of foreign culture in order to better serve the national development of related industries . The development of domestic industries, are drawing a lot of including Japan and Western, the experience of developed countries, according to angry youth to reject all practices, the industry can go today more and more, and upon the world stage? Now that was the most dangerous moment of the Chinese nation, many true patriots are choosing to learn foreign experience, then this probably won't change.

In fact, today many struggle in the country over the first line of people, all at the same time is Japan anime faithful lovers, which in their eyes: look down on Japan anime all day and shout "man rising" person, and is most ridiculous. Even sometimes, angry black man not only, see diffuse. It then whose fault is it?

Point two: you should respect other people's choices

Even though the domestic environment, there are still some problems, but there is no denying that is and everyone's ideas can become more independent and free. But because of this, we can no longer talk to past, seemed to be carved out of a mold. In this way, has a different point of view is a very normal thing. Since there are so many Japan anime as a classic life of young people, it should also allow some people just don't like Japan anime, be considered to be poisonous.

But the problem is, whatever ideas you have, it is your personal problem. After all, each of us in the community is a small molecule, cannot expect that all of your ideas, which would become a terrible dictatorship. Especially now that the network is highly developed, tension between the different groups become very strong. Now visible all over the "VS straight men cancer cancer of feminism", "dog powder VS black dog," "sweet curd VS salted bean curd" in battle. Indeed, may at first glance feels a desire to fight for three days and three nights, but the aftertaste, it is boring.

If cynics don't like Japan anime, so completely without touching this area. Instead, like Japan anime people, there's no need for this kind of thing wow shouting with excitement ... ... Non-contact if it is not available, we can discuss some of the other problems, for example, said older drivers to take you the last car?

Point three: appropriate cynics thought there should be

The term fenqing occurs, which means that for some things feel discontent, anger in the network or the reality of man. These people are some "opportunists", but there is no denying that a lot of people in the first place or if you want to see the country become better and better. Japan anime fenqing to comment, in fact, tend to have a similar idea: I am black man, because you want to make people aware of domestic animation has been very good.

In their view, now Japan Anime fans have been to the extreme . Hung believes that "MADE IN JAPAN" works, even painting collapses into a dog, can also finish blasting man. And if it is when you see the video over the country, these extreme lovers will ridicule "copy XXX" "Dub with Japan not be better than" "is rubbish". Expect a similar barrage, reading this topic you see more or less, right? When angry attacked the crowd, whether you've done something wrong?

In accepting foreign cultures at the same time, stay alert enough, that is part of the fenqing believe their mission. Especially many second-stage juveniles tend to go to extremes, this time has a greater need to be reminded.

Point four: I was angry, what's wrong?

Said like Japan Anime fans are on the rise, but if the population as a whole, and perhaps ranters will have the upper hand. But they insisted: If young people put effort in Japan on the anime, not only will forget historical hatreds, and also its position on the major issues of bias in Japan . What is more, in recent years there have been some since Japan anime and thus completely in the mind "date", and even "Japan militarization" of young people. They even had blood-contaminated Chinese military uniforms around, thinking that his glory. So these people, don't you deserve to be angry attacks? Also, similar news trend seems to be more and more of in recent years, some patriotic works of man are considered to be "brainwashed", but for Japan anime was accepted. So in order to save these "lost sheep" fenqing also need to stand up and defend as the Chinese view the three most basic.

Statement : the personal view of the author only, and do not represent information positions IT.

中国宅男不爽:为啥愤青不喜欢日本动漫? - 二次元,宅男,动漫 - IT资讯












在他们看来,现在的一些日本动漫爱好者已经走向了极端。认为只要挂着“MADE IN JAPAN”的作品,那么哪怕作画崩成狗,也能完爆国漫。而如果是看到国漫的一些宣传视频时,这些极端爱好者也会吐槽“抄袭XXX”“配音跟日本没法比”“简直是垃圾”。相信类似的弹幕,阅读本话题的各位也或多或少看见过吧?那么当愤青抨击这样的人群,是否就真的做错了呢?





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