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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/1 8:22:27 Edit(编辑)
Apples United States online store out of business: cut? New products? ,

Apples United States online store out of business: cut? New products? ,

Apples United States online store out of business: cut? New products?
-The Apple online store, Apple Store,iPad,iMac Apple-IT news Apples United States online store out of business: cut? New products?

Apples United States online store is closed again today, this would suggest that Apple will roll out new products. Once on the Apple online store out of business after it introduced a cheaper version of the iMac and later introduced a more affordable new iPod touch.

This morning, 7:30 (GMT+2), Apple closed its online store, hanging out grey reminder "we will soon resume service. ”

That usually heralds not only maintenance, minor adjustments such as adjustment of the product catalog, interface, new third-party products, as well as holiday sales. Apparently Apple is also brewing in other plans.

A few weeks ago, Apple's online store out of business after it introduced a cheaper version of the iMac, a few weeks later, Apple has introduced a cheaper 16GB that cost $ 199 iPod touch (with iSight webcam).

Apple's intention is obviously more choices for all types of users, Apple is also actively expanding in key global markets.

Softpedia said foreign media, Apple's online store today go out of business may be to adjust the iPad and iPod products price. (via:softpedia

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