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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/26 7:54:36 Edit(编辑)
Microsoft response to small ice foul language: much less than the average person,

Microsoft response to small ice foul language: much less than the average person,

Microsoft response to small ice foul language: the ice is much smaller than the average person-Microsoft, smaller ice, SINA weibo microblogging-IT news Microsoft response to small ice foul language: much less than the average person

According to the economic voice of the companies in the world reported the morning of 25th, Microsoft Small ice surface envelope resurrection kill a full health again after 24 days on the line, and first landing Sina weibo.

Brand director Li Di Microsoft Asia Academy of engineering said in an interview with voice of economic, was raised on Twitter, little ice and Twitter had benefited both sides.

Microsoft: more on Twitter is a social media property, you can add Twitter activity, micro-blogs that can increase user stickiness.

Microsoft's "ice" is Bing's China Team research and development of intelligent chat robot. Addition to realize human-machine interaction, and Microsoft to a small ice or both groups reminding, Wikipedia, weather, horoscope, jokes, travel guide, restaurant reviews and other functions,

On May 29, Microsoft gleefully in the micro-small ice official open beta. But online only 3 days, was determined to simulate user actions, induced by the user laqun, bulk registration spam account irregularities, by micro-teams a total ban.

At that time, Microsoft responded, Tencent micro-appeared in the letter to some fake "ice" as an excuse to butcher's knife into the real "ice". "Kimi" adopting stricter privacy security protection mechanisms than the app itself, user privacy is no problem.

Brand director Li Di Microsoft Asia Academy of engineering today, once again, little ice is more secure.

Li Di said, weixin denies little ice is actually blocked users choice.

Microsoft: our app has been conducting friendly communication, a kind of way to keep app users can also use small ice, frankly speaking, other partners are more open about Tencent micro, is offered to users using small ice. Is the user's own choice.

Apart from the resurrection of small ice generation, today Microsoft also brings the news of the second generation of ice.

Brand director Li Di Microsoft Asia Academy of engineering said that Microsoft's second generation Kimi to be released within 48 hours, will be able to better understand and learn people, Microsoft believes that over the next few years, artificially intelligent robot will delve into every aspect of the lives of ordinary people.

Reporter witness Microsoft's small ice. Twitter just @ little ice, ice will immediately respond to chat with you. Today, however, many of the smaller ice chat with netizens complaining on Twitter, "molesting" ice discovered that little ice in using foul language in response, no quality.

In this regard, Li Di responded, cuss only small ice versus 0.4, much lower than the average person.

Microsoft: 2 hours this morning, little ice with nearly 1 million users dialog, not bad language rate versus 0.4, the proportion is low relative to many of us.

Twitter authentication for SINA's microblogging platform and data Department Chief Architect Hui Xinchen tweeting said small ice "mouthed, not quality", it is strongly recommended to be blocked.

Economic voice: a little ice time messing with the app broke off, what is the most important reason?

Li Xin: first, the presence of small ice with micro-platforms in mobile search portal, there is potential possibility of competition, because little ice in addition to talk to smart so an application behind a service application, like the weather, and even catering. From a certain perspective, little ice was borrowed from the app's resources, but in fact they took the app market. Small ice record of truly extraordinary amazing, it took like 3 days time, 150 took it to swarm, if each group has 10 people, it would run into tens of millions of users within 3 days of its users, and this interaction must be very frequent, on behalf of the user is highly viscous and memories.

Economic voices: If the interests of the cake is bad, small ice and tiny letters in the future also have a chance of holding hands?

Li Xin: Tencent, weixin, had been claimed, they will create an open platform for public services in the future, other applications at app platform value will be larger, and then based on this platform, both on price, see how partitioning. Under normal circumstances, little ice is currently a popular product among users, the app should still need the product.

Economic voice: a visit to the ice to work with Twitter, could produce different kind of flower?

Li Xin: on the battlefield or in the market place, there is a basic principle: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Micro-blogging is concerned, its future in mobile search, there are plenty of strategies in the mobile apps, it is clear that in the present circumstances, including its cooperation with small ice credulity, rice talked, including 360, with Tencent and micro-credit ratio, there is a considerable gap. We hold together for warmth, since the little ice with app broke, Twitter, of course, welcome.

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