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published in(发表于) 2016/6/14 7:27:41 Edit(编辑)
South Korea’s largest pornographic Web sites were compromised by the police, suspects of Seoul National University graduates

South Korea’s largest pornographic Web sites were compromised by the police, suspects of Seoul National University graduates(韩最大色情网站被警方攻破,嫌犯系首尔大学毕业生,)



South Korea's largest pornographic Web sites were compromised by the police, suspects of Seoul National University graduates-porn site, Korea-IT information

On June 14, Korea Seoul Office of local police yesterday claimed that police have confirmed Korea's largest pornographic website "soranet" founder of identity and residence, if they can get legal assistance bodies of the State party, will be able to quickly arrest suspects.

Police said has now mastered the "soranet" creates a man 45 years old a and 4 people such as his wife's identity and residence, the gang member is a graduate of Seoul National University and other universities, they use open Web site profit achieved the right to permanent residence in several countries, lived a fugitive life.

It is reported that "soranet" was founded in 1999, the servers based in foreign countries, and currently has more than 1 million members. In addition to the production and dissemination of pornographic content, the site also riddled with incitement to violence and crime, even porn candid in public places affected by this website, the Community requested the police to close the Web sites is increasing.

In this regard, Korea police ad hoc "soranet" Working Group strongly against by the police, the site administrator has in Twitter Announces Web site service formally ended on June 6.

韩最大色情网站被警方攻破,嫌犯系首尔大学毕业生 - 色情网站,韩国 - IT资讯





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