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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/24 8:37:59 Edit(编辑)
Tragedy: a grandson by the grandfather out of the Internet, the results are dead,

Tragedy: a grandson by the grandfather out of the Internet, the results are dead,

Tragedy: a grandson by the grandfather out of the Internet, the result is death-obsessed with Internet cafes, Internet cafes, Internet addiction-IT news Tragedy: a grandson by the grandfather out of the Internet, the results are dead

5 o'clock in the morning, 13 year old went out, in order to find out exactly where he wanted to go, Grandpa sneak up behind him, seeing clearly is toward the direction of Enyang middle school walk, but at the time part of the ascent, but did not duck. Grandpa got to school did not find, and finally found him in a hotel.

Grandpa is then obviously out of Internet cafes, obviously rushed at the River, my grandpa went down to river rescue, is, unfortunately, ye two have drowned in the river ... ...

Mabian Cun Enyang, bazhong Luo and his wife have been working in Haikou, 13 year old son (a pseudonym), cared for by grandparents, attended Enyang junior grade one.

Yesterday morning at about 5 o'clock in the morning, Grandpa care track 13, and finally pulled out in an Internet café. Alex after two disputed when input enyanghe, Grandpa had strip the river trying to save his grandson. However, in a few "life-saving" after Alex Sun both disappear into the river. Yesterday afternoon, Alex two of Sun's body was brought ashore. At present, the police have been involved in investigating the matter.

Tracking Internet cafes to find morning Grandpa grandson

Because home is too far away from the school, in order to guarantee learning, Mr Enyang for father and son rented a house near the school, reading leader from father to son in the city. His son's learning, Luo has been very concerned about. Just after new year, spend some "strange", Luo worried. Chinese new year to hundreds of lucky money, soon there will be no, often give their children pocket money, and soon disappeared. Mr Russell asked, clearly admitted that they take money and two students to use the Internet. In order to avoid children addicted to network, Mr Law urges fathers to pay more attention.

Mr Luo told reporters, the 22nd, obviously told Grandpa that he will go to school to learn. But Monday class is 7:30, clearly has to set the alarm clock at 4 o'clock in the morning the next day. Yesterday morning, the ring of the alarm clock, got up quickly, Grandpa looks at the time, clearly out of time is at 5 o'clock, apparently inconsistent with school time. To figure out the grandchildren exactly where you want to go, Grandpa sneak up behind when, on the other hand he is walked towards the direction of Enyang middle school, but at the time part of the ascent, grandson to duck disappeared. Grandpa got Enyang middle school, found clearly was not in school, after which he began anxiously looking for his grandson.

At about 5 o'clock in the morning yesterday 50, works in Haikou Luo received a call from father. Mobile phone that, my father's voice trembled a little, told him in a loud voice: "I spoke to him quietly more than 5 percentage points (obviously) out to the vicinity of schools, lost, I found 4 Internet cafes, only to find him. "Subsequently, Mr Luo father hands the phone over to his son, clearly recognized," Daddy, I got up early to the Internet . ”

Grandson drowned grandpa shouted for help into the river rescue

On the phone, communicate with Mr son after a few words, let father take out of a bar, then hung up the phone. But, unexpectedly, after this phone call, father, son, and he has since Yin GE.

Yesterday morning at about 6 o'clock in the morning, morning exercise in the river Enyang Chan mother-in-law saw, No. 268, an elderly man from a new road in the little bar, pulled out of a teenage boy. Both sides spat, the old man gave the child a slap, followed by downhill charge of children along the new road to the river of enyanghe. Old man behind shouted "come back soon", pursued to the River, a pull of a boy, but the teenager pushed hard, putting old people out several feet away. Subsequently, the boy rushed into Hanoi, and walked into the deep river.

At 6 o'clock in the morning 20, residents live next to grace Yang Zhang Yan heard the window upstairs was call for "help", the river can faintly see a person's head. Another elder near the river and off his coat, shouting, "help" and as he waded into the River, only a few minutes, the two men gathered together into one place. Zhang Yan hurried alarm, but only a dozen seconds, two people just disappeared into the river .

Alex the two drowned bodies were brought ashore

7:10 A.M. yesterday, Mr far Haikou received a phone call from the police, "said my father and son might have something, let me prepare. "Received the news, he immediately went to buy tickets, and started home.

Yesterday, Enyang District Public Security Bureau police cordoned off at the scene, several relatives collapsed into the river burst into tears, relatives hired professional fire fighters, as well as salvage officials tour looking for someone in the river. 2:14 P.M., when remains were salvaged, 2:55, Grandpa's body was brought ashore.

Reporters learned from the Enyang, bazhong District Public Security Bureau, Cybercafe owners are concerned Enyang police station to be interviewed. According to police a case material shows, ye who drowned before the drowning Sun, Grandpa grandson was pulled out from an Internet café.

At present, ye Sun two people drowning tragedy, police are making further investigation.

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