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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/24 8:37:12 Edit(编辑)
Micro-circle of friends, did you ring leader? ,

Micro-circle of friends, did you ring leader? ,

Micro-circle of friends, did you ring leader?
-Micro-circle, circle of friends, the app-IT news Micro-circle of friends, did you ring leader?

Once upon a time, for most people, circle of friends has become a part of our life, happy or unhappy, gourmet or Mier, whether traveling or at home watching the World Cup, sunshine is always in the circle of friends to your own situation. More often, we rely on the "circle" sustains us and between friends, classmates, family, and other feelings.

But friends do not add leadership, or through the circle of friends to maintain the staff and leadership of feelings is a complex issue. Some people believe that active leadership of the circle of friends and can communicate in a timely manner, development opportunities for himself; but some people feel that if they added a leadership will reveal his whereabouts, and cannot be separated from work and private life, so keeping the leadership of the app, even if added will also lead shielding.

Employment consultants say, micro-circle of friends want to add leadership and also depends on the leadership style may be. In addition, you can also apply for two accounts, the separation of living and working.

Leadership enthusiasm plus app

Subordinates want to preserve privacy

Adan institutions work in Dongguan, recently had her immediate superior micro letters already third and her circle of friends, she was reluctant, but had to add led app. "When you add me first and leadership, as I didn't see you didn't add, said some of the information through micro-letter to me this time, I have to add. ”

Although this time she added the leadership but she shielded the leadership, for her various States that leadership is invisible.

Adan said that their leadership was enthusiastic, likes to mingle with colleagues and hope by way of the app with my colleagues and by increasing exchanges, many notifications and information will be said on the micro-letter group, thought it convenient and enhance relationship with your colleagues and increase the cohesion of the group. But Ali doesn't want to work and after mixed together, just want to add my friends friends. "I was some details about life, not only don't want to add leadership and colleagues do not want to add. ”

Lu Xiaojie recently recruited, usually like to circle some personal pictures of her friends and life in dribs and drabs, but after joining the profession, she tried not to join your circle of friends, even if you have to add colleagues, who are all blocked. "I just wanted to send some in the circle of friends in private life, don't want colleagues to see, or insecure. ”

Opponents of PK supporters

Complaining cause was criticized by the leadership and even lose your job

Yao Xiaojie, a large logistics company in Dongguan, in the circle of friends and a lot of colleagues and superiors. At one point, to unit collective party activities, like English, she found making errors of the English word English signs, reverse the two letters within a Word, she just got it so fun, he took pictures to send to friends. But as soon as her boss saw her speak, have been critical of her.

Since Yao Xiaojie is in the technology sector, while hosting the party activity is the sales department. Yao Xiaojie's leadership believes that Yao Xiaojie's Act if peers in sales seen would cause discord between the different sectors. Yao Xiaojie unconvinced, feels his leadership a molehill, and leadership had a dispute, finally leading clobbered her meal. Eventually, she and the status. However, since then, Yao Xiaojie friends don't work-related condition.

According to media reports, recently, in Beijing's Haidian District Court hearing the case on the app-related. Ms Lee said, due to family matters, and expression in micro-circle of friends made a poor mood of the text. After this status was seen by her boss, the boss thought Lee was complaining about the job. Two days later, Lee quit.

Through a circle of friends more exchanges with the leader to fight for their own development opportunities

However, in a culture company's missiles, says Mr in the circle of friends and colleagues, leadership is required. Han Fei said, first of all, micro-communication is very easy, and we have a lot of work is needed and colleagues collaborate, also keep in close touch, and colleagues is a must.

Meanwhile, as the unit's missiles are for young people, even though his bosses told them as friends, we often go k song, share some tips for reading and so on. "Everybody is both a work colleague and friend in life, often watches the boss's circle of friends, we will know what my boss at work thinking about life philosophy is what, so you can learn more about the company's work and for the ideas and style of leadership. ”

Miss Zhang, said working in a Bank, sure to add leadership and keep in touch with the leader, let the leadership know themselves. "Will allow the leadership to remember, know yourself, for future development is beneficial. "Miss Zhang, said their company is very large, many people, especially for people they just work not long, only to allow the leaders to know more about, leadership trust things to them.

Industry opinion:

Want to separate the living and working

Can build two micro-account

Employment counselor Wang Qian said friends must not increase varies with the leadership. Some leaders may hope that kept people at a distance, then do not add. Now, however, companies advocate humane management, but also due to the convenience of circle of friends, a lot of time may be necessary to add leadership.

"A circle of friends, we don't worry too much, generally speaking, leadership won't because you're denying you of a word in the State. "Wang Qian said that as a leader, in order to know and use, you need to understand all aspects of staff and so many leaders still prefer to add staff app. Even if employees complaining also led to understand employee ideas, do their jobs better.

In addition, Qian said, trying to separate work and life, you can also try establishing two accounts, one is with respect to the work, one and other friends.

Warm prompt:

Micro-circle of friends how to screen people?

After joining the app, how to steer clear of people who don't want to join into circle of friends? Into the app, you can follow the instructions below: app--I-settings-privacy. In the "Privacy" option in the options can be closed, others find you will not pass the micro account number or QQ.

You can also "Privacy" option below, the "circle of friends" permission entered, a "ring of friends list" contacts app here add a friend to your circle of friends, and he will not be able to see.

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