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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/22 9:38:05 Edit(编辑)
“Predicting child look“ to steal user information, micro-hand rumor,

“Predicting child look“ to steal user information, micro-hand rumor,

"Predicting child look" to steal user information, app is busy refuting-micro letters, test your future child look-IT information "Predicting child look" to steal user information, app is busy refuting

On June 21, in recent days, there is a special collection of "test your future child look" software caused insanity in micro-letter forwarded and news that, users use this software will result in loss of cell phone photos. In this regard, the micro team to verify this is a rumor that in the application of the results of random pictures, there is no theft of any user information.

Micro team official response for this event are as follows:

Recently, news that users participate in third-party app called "measuring the future child look" campaign, subsequently resulting in mobile phone photos are missing. App Security team to verify this rumor! In the application of the results of real random pictures, there is no theft of any user information. Meanwhile, number of Ashampoo AntiSpyware app strategy also provides security protection. Remind, not free to fill in the unknown pages personally identifiable information.

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