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published in(发表于) 2016/5/13 7:18:13 Edit(编辑)
73 subordinates Sun budget in colleges and universities: Tsinghua University up to 18.217 billion yuan,

73 subordinates Sun budget in colleges and universities: Tsinghua University up to 18.217 billion yuan,(73所部属高校晒预算:清华大学高达182.17亿元,)



73 affiliated colleges print budget: budget up to 18.217 billion-College in Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University, Peking University-IT information

Funding budget for Ministry of education announced on April 15 in 2016, according to the Ministry of education of the subordinate public notice requirements for departmental budget in colleges and universities, universities directly under the Ministry of education should be for a specific period in their budgets. As of yesterday, 75 universities directly under the Ministry of education, has 73 colleges and universities released its annual budget.

Published data show that 73 colleges and universities budget expenditure totaled 295.718 billion yuan. Is of concern, the gap significantly in colleges and universities, Tsinghua University with the highest and lowest of the budget drama, budget difference of about 17.9 billion yuan. In addition, richer in colleges and universities in the eastern region.

Tsinghua University and Zhejiang University, Beijing University and Shanghai Jiaotong University has an annual budget well ahead of the other colleges and universities, in terms of annual revenue, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University and Beijing University more than tens of billions, Shanghai Jiao Tong University more than 9 billion on the expenditure side, Tsinghua University and Peking University more than 12 billion, Zhejiang University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University more than 8 billion.

In contrast, most other universities in annual income below 5 billion, more than half of University's annual income does not exceed 2 billion, most of the University's annual expenditure is below 3 billion. Bottom three as Shanghai International Studies University, the Central Conservatory of music and at the Central Academy of drama, budget number is 902 million and 420 million Yuan and a 305 million Yuan

Also, not all 985 University than 211 universities with money, for example, Southwest University, Wuhan University of technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Beijing science and Technology University, more than 985 universities. However, higher Polytechnic University in connection with the General Liberal Arts University.

Seen from the sources of revenue, most colleges and universities include financial allocations, revenue, operating income and the balance of other income and the previous year. Among them, the financial allocation of the largest proportion.

Budget allocation system in colleges and universities is the core of higher education fiscal policy. Current central budgetary allocation system in colleges and universities in China including the basic expenditures and project expenditures in two parts, compared to about 6:4. Last November, the Ministry of finance, the Ministry of education jointly launched the central budgetary allocation system reform in colleges and universities, the State will be more fair and just investment in colleges and universities, strengthening the policy and performance-oriented, and generally enhance the quality of higher education.

College expenditure includes expenditure on education, science and technology expenditures, housing expenditure and other projects, of which the largest proportion of education spending, Fudan University's education spending has 4.807 billion yuan this year, accounting for expenditures this year 95.1%. In addition, universities as well as energy saving and environmental protection expenditure, spending on social security and employment, and so on.

University budget information, belongs to the category of mandatory disclosure of Government. Especially in the past 3 years, from the State Department to the Ministry of finance, the Ministry of education, issued a document called for greater disclosure of financial information. In 2014, the Ministry of Education issued by colleges and universities for the first time disclosure checklist clearly stated, education must be open in the year include financial assets and billing information, such as 10 big 50 concrete projects. The Ministry of education will also refine planning to introduce financial disclosure practices of the school, and further improve the degree and level of disclosure of financial information. However, departmental budget in colleges and universities open remains open subject detailed enough, large amount of other project funding with little transparency, "sangong" expenses, assets and liabilities are not announced to the public, and so on.

According to the Beijing News reported, Executive Dean of the Institute of public finance of China Liu Xiaochuan of Shanghai financial University believes that subordinates published departmental budget in colleges and universities at present remains relatively simple classification, many projects are not published according to economic classification, classification points to is not clear. Functions are simply divided into teaching, research, and social security; and according to economic classification, can be seen in teachers ' salaries, purchase of equipment, student grants are spent how much money can be seen more clearly, money which will in the end, clear the source of the money.

Light network today to comment on the article, financial allocation as the main source of income for colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of education, responsible for keeping a list of budget from the "hutuzhang" becomes "clear account".

Comments that only now, more than 70 copies of the annual budget, there are at least three levels needs to be refined and explanation: a, since it is a University's budget, the public most care about, such as teachers ' salaries, teaching equipment, student grants and how much it cost. Second, the University Administration was an indisputable problem, which "Excellencies," spending repercussions most acutely, then no suspicion on the University budget in these hot and timely response to public opinion? Third, many universities "other income" in amount, and other income such as Beijing University 4.257 billion yuan, accounting for 35.82% of the. The "other" too much transparency is a mystery. Of course, the most critical also, such reasonable arrangements are not reasonable, there is no reliable auditing and other professional oversight reveals, seem to need to secure State.

73所部属高校晒预算:清华大学高达182.17亿元 - 高校财政预算,清华,北大 - IT资讯













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