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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/22 9:37:34 Edit(编辑)
Hsue says, Google gets to control the trans-Pacific undersea cable,

Hsue says, Google gets to control the trans-Pacific undersea cable,

Hsue says, Google gets to control the trans-Pacific undersea cable-trans-Pacific submarine fiber optic cable, submarine cable, Google-IT news Hsue says, Google gets to control the trans-Pacific undersea cable

Abstract: Google is considering investing in the construction of new trans-Pacific undersea fiber-optic cable is expected to cost up to millions of dollars.

Foreign media quoted the sources as saying, due to large technology companies through its own network of traffic is on the rise, Google is considering investing in the construction of new trans-Pacific undersea fiber-optic cable is expected to cost up to millions of dollars.

Reports that Google will control the new submarine optical cable of its own parts, and in United States, Oregon and elsewhere in the data center and Japan together.

Previously, Google has been involved in investment and construction of a submarine fiber optic cable cost $ 300 million and has been completed in 2012.

It is learnt that the telecommunications company will typically several fiber-optic lines into an undersea fiber optic cable, sharing the cost of laying, construction took more than a year's time.

According to the research firm TeleGeography, said Internet companies, banks and research institutions have been using the one-fourth of the world's international bandwidth through its own network to send information, rather than public networks. Own share of traffic on networks in some corridors up to 40%, such as the trans-Atlantic networks.

This closed network is usually able to transfer data more effectively to consumers. This layout also makes large technology company occupies a head start in the competition, prompting other companies to follow suit.

Microsoft's top engineer Yousef Khalidi is responsible for managing the corporate network, said: "it's almost an arms race. You will be doing business required a lot of investment in hardware. ”

Most of Google's bandwidth is reserved for its own "B4" network, the network connection a dozen Google data centers, responsible for sending email, YouTube content, as well as other traffic.

According to the figures released last year, the networks have spent over three years old, send traffic than to send search results to the Internet and YouTube videos to the public Internet.

Telecommunications companies do not want to spend a lot of money to raise the network's capacity, but the Internet companies did not begrudge the money tries to build up.

Japan NEC is responsible for submarine networks Division senior manager Shota Masuda said: "each carrier's investments in this area have not risen, but companies such as Google and Facebook are to fill the void. ”

For now, Microsoft also plans to invest in undersea cables. According to Microsoft spokeswoman said the company is negotiating to build a China, Korea, and Japan and the United States to connect optical cable.

Direct investment submarine fiber optic cable Internet companies paid large amounts of cash up front, but experts say these investments still save money in the long run, because they own part of the Internet cables can be upgraded at cost price, without having to pay more money for intermediaries to complete.

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