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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/19 4:52:18 Edit(编辑)
Women farmers block roads in Gansu province resumed was crushed to death by truck

Women farmers block roads in Gansu province resumed was crushed to death by truck

Women farmers block roads in Gansu province was crushed to death by truck continued: the driver was crushed to death by arrest | driver | woman _ news

Xinhuanet, Lanzhou, June 19 (reporter Liang Jun)-19th in huanxian County, Gansu province Prosecutor's Office was informed that the death caused the school's 18th on suspicion of negligent crime of "villagers block roads and beg in huanxian County, Gansu province was oilfield road vehicles rolled to death" events in PetroChina logging company Division of Changqing driver Wu Haibo law approved the arrest.

According to the information provided by the Prosecutor's Office in huanxian County show, the investigation, June 3, at 9 o'clock, with criminal suspect Wu Haibo driving engineering team headed by Gan M-31441 logging truck, Huan Cheng Dong Yuan Cun Xin Shi Li, huanchengzhen road, and others by local villager Wang Caixia, jingqiaohong, Xu Fenping "road damage, dust crops without compensation" for blocking. 12:30, have a car to drive to, see the Road blocked, from the sidewalk when the bypass, jingqiaohong, Xu Fenping two people went to stop it. Wu Haibo sees waiting to drive off, Wang Caixia caused victim was run over by the left rear wheel of the car rolling to death.

The incident aroused widespread public concern, have adverse social consequences. After the incident, huanxian County Prosecutor's Office sent on early intervention, guide the investigation and public security organs arrested according to law the quick review, approved the arrest.

Public Prosecutor's Office the relevant person in charge according to Huan, PetroChina logging company Division of Changqing has compensation for the injured party the loss of 600,000 yuan, the case is still under investigation.

16:15 June 19, 2014 Xinhua NET

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