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published in(发表于) 2016/6/6 8:17:40 Edit(编辑)
Sichuan Guangyuan shipwreck rescue: found a male body

Sichuan Guangyuan shipwreck rescue: found a male body(四川广元沉船事故救援:发现一具男性遗体,)



Sichuan Guangyuan shipwreck rescue: found a male body | shipwrecks | body _ news

On June 5, the blue sky and professional rescue team discovered during the search for the wreck. News service reporter Liu Zhongjun photography

CNS, Guangyuan, June 6 (reporter Hu Min)-6th from the wreck accident in Guangyuan, Sichuan headquarters was informed that 11:45, rescue team in 5th remains of a man found near the wreck, and current information about the bodies in the further confirmation.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Sinking body

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China News Network
四川广元沉船事故救援:发现一具男性遗体 |沉船事故|遗体_新闻资讯

6月5日,蓝天专业救援队搜寻过程中发现了沉船。中新社记者 刘忠俊 摄

  中新网广元6月6日电(记者 胡敏)记者6日从四川广元沉船事故指挥部获悉,11点45分,救援队在5日确定的沉船点附近发现一具男性遗体,目前该具遗体的相关信息在进一步确认中。

责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

沉船事故 遗体


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