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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/19 4:43:57 Edit(编辑)
Stephen Hawking: artificial intelligence will soon be able to fool humans,

Stephen Hawking: artificial intelligence will soon be able to fool humans,

Stephen Hawking: artificial intelligence will soon be able to fool humans-hawking, artificial intelligence, robots-IT news Stephen Hawking: artificial intelligence will soon be able to fool human

Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking (Stephen Hawking) last night to attend the United States channel HBO's "Last Week Tonight" program, and with the show's John Oliver (John Oliver) has a deep and meaningful conversation (hawking's talk was a profound and meaningful at least), and that robots may "smarter than we are."

When Oliver asked Stephen Hawking when he most wants people to understand something, he replied: "the imaginary time (imaginary time). ”

He said: "the imaginary time is remaining in the other direction, this is my work has not been used by science fiction writers in a hypothesis. ”

To tell the truth, despite all the science fiction just joined in the work of some scientists, such as blood and elements, then why not on the basis of imaginary time, science fiction writer writing stories? Hawking said, "they don't understand the imaginary time. ”

Of course, I cannot pretend to understand what a virtual time. In any case, it is a time-related things, and erosion of our time running in different directions every day.

However, Oliver wanted to know most is artificial intelligence. As with numerous artificial products, artificial intelligence may also be harmful to humans, or even fatal.

Hawking is very positive: "artificial intelligence in the not distant future could be a real danger. ”

But it's certainly not in Google groups: good boy's clutches? Stephen Hawking believes that this may be ideas that are good boy has nothing to do with Google. Because robots can "design to improve it yourself, make themselves smarter than all of us. ”

Oliver continued to ask: "why I shouldn't be able to fight with the robots and be excited? ”

Hawking's answer is simply: "you're going to lose. ”

Before Oliver began to worry about not hawking in conversation with him, and there may be a wise computer in question-and-answer with him. Hawking (or pretends to robots, hawking) replied: "you are an idiot".

But isn't that human nature, right? Even though we think we know everything, at least when we are honest with ourselves, we know one thing-we are all idiots. We do not know much more than what we do.

In fact, considering that the world may have many parallel universes, Oliver suspects that not in a parallel universe, he may be smarter than Stephen Hawking.

"Yes," he replied, "but also a universe where you are very interesting. ”

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