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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/12 4:53:55 Edit(编辑)
Russia squares with what fire for 30 years,

Russia squares with what fire for 30 years,

Russia squares with what fire 30-Russia block-IT news Russia squares with what fire for 30 years

Among the world's first video game of Russia block (Tetris) has entered what had been the brand but it doesn't look old.

In order to celebrate its 30 birthday around the world are holding a series of theme label #WeAllFitTogether (meaning we perfectly) players party. In April this year, the University of Drexel (Drexel University) LED lamps for exterior wall of a building's help, turned into one of the largest Russia block game scale has broken the world record.

But since the game in 1984 in the former Soviet Union since the birth of what makes people move their fingers, keep on clicking, and consistent in order to ensure that each row box, and then disappeared into the virtual Ethernet? Answer: this is a new platform and a fascinating combination of psychological demands results.

Russia diamonds brand exclusive agents, blue planet software company (Blue Planet Software) CEO Maya·luojiesi said the past 30 years, the game has carefully preserved its core gameplay, resulting in an enduring legend. She said: "it's for all ages, all people are attractive. ”

These days, while mobile and social have become the biggest source of both games, but Russia square attraction did not reveal any signs of decay. Since 1983, Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) to smartphones, Russia now appears in more than 50 different kinds of gaming box platforms, more than 425 million mobile device users to buy this game. Facebook users have been playing for more than 20 billion Russia block game version of the game (Tetris Battle).

In addition, Russia blocks have a smooth transition to the Smartphone , is now among Apple (Apple) iTunes store top 100 paid apps. Rogers said: "we always make sure to appear on each platform. ”

But the game also has a captivating charm, let people wallow in years of indefatigable. Rogers said: "playing with a plate of Russia block game can satisfy your desire to create order in the chaos. ”

Today's world, there is no better than qiaonasi·niubaoer Russia blocks the player. Neubauer four Coronation NES game system Russia square World Championship. Since its inception the competition in 2010, he had not been beaten, but has no plans to exit the political arena. He said, "we must stick to, cannot be satisfied with four titles," he said.

As an independent research and consulting firm Saibus Research senior analyst, Neubauer harder every year in the highly competitive Russia box and maintain a balance between his work in the world. Although he said he was Russia's love box and a chore for him and don't have a lot in common, but in order to strive for excellence, Neubauer would indeed spend some time analyzing the game.

He had a lifetime of Russia squares, but year after year, always attracted him to keep playing this game. "It has been welcomed by people of different age groups," he said. "Its simplicity, almost hypnotic effect. ”

In addition, Russia square also has extra features: you'll never feel fully satisfied. "Didn't have a step in the right direction," Neubauer said. "Pursuit of the perfect step never ends. ”

United Kingdom University of Sheffield (Sheffield University), said tangmu·sitafude, a Professor of psychology and cognitive development, Russia blocks because of enduring, this game brings players into a completely different field. He said: "this is a forever unfinished task in the world. ”

He once said: "Russia square is the legend of candy pieces (Candy Crush Saga), the originator of this type of puzzle game. These games make us spend hours, days and even weeks obsessed, to extricate themselves. ”

"Russia is pure gaming box: play it no good, there is nothing to learn, do not lead to social or physical consequences," he added. "It is almost entirely pointless, but is there a way for us to linger over traction. ”

Neubauer, and even appeared in the 2011 issue of the documentary the order of Ecstasy: Russia block master (the Ecstasy of Order:The Tetris Masters). In his view, although Russia block is a single player game, but its social property is also a major attraction. From small to large, and he has been released in the game forums, view other people's scores. Play games that raises the stakes, and motivate him to do better. Now, Facebook and other social media makes this score comparison much easier.

Now, anyone have a chance in the portable Nintendo game, Android (Android),iPad, laptop computers, and countless other devices to play Russia block game, a huge community of players has made a strong emergence. "Anyone can now access Russia block, playing the same game. This fact prompted our communities grow, "Rogers said. "It's free of language and cultural barriers. ”

Neubauer, a four-time world champion also has the advantage that, you can tell other people about your accomplishments. He said: "the party talked about this kind of thing is very interesting. ”

Rogers when looking to the future of this brand remains committed to Russia box "core games", and intended to serve may not have played the Game Boy1989 young audiences. According to the Guinness world records Gamer's Edition (Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition), this popular game ranks as the sixth list of best-selling video games in history.

Although Russia block has spent 30 years old birthday, however, Rogers said, the company has developed a plan, hope the game during the next 30 continued a brilliant.

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