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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/12 4:53:52 Edit(编辑)
Notes on Tomb Raider film series that was released by the end of,

Notes on Tomb Raider film series that was released by the end of,

The notes on Tomb Raider film series at the end of the release-notes robs, House of cards-IT news The notes on Tomb Raider film series at the end of the release

On June 12, in today's Shanghai TV Festival, Le Huan Rui centuries as the network with the media companies jointly announced that network TV shows a record of grave robbers in filming in mid-July, global broadcast TV plus at the end of the Internet.

Southern tri-tert-notes on creation's popular novel the Tomb Raider series since 2006, the network series, first published in January 2007, and has continuously published 8 9 books, to date, the novel Baidu tieba discussion posts and analysis in a variety of posts as many as 55 million.

Quarter the play broadcast Opera forms, single investment of millions of dollars. First quarter shot 24 episodes, aired for 12 weeks, and modelled on the mode of operation of American TV series, drama, covering ' show + derivative programs.

According to reports, the series a record of grave robbers are different from traditional TV series, location is the "Super season broadcast dramas." The play used in American TV broadcast model, and used in all the film production team directed by the 3D version in the first quarter of the havoc in Hong Kong Director Cheng Pou SOI served as producer and Director, another by new Director Law Wing Cheong, Hong Kong serves as co-director.

This new Internet mode, to create a Chinese-style ' House of cards ' Super NET play.

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