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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/11 10:46:50 Edit(编辑)
Company: hisilicon 930 chip on the A9, child abuse under high throughput,

Company: hisilicon 930 chip on the A9, child abuse under high throughput,

Company: hisilicon 930 chip on the A9, child abuse under Qualcomm processor-Hass, Hass chips, Huawei phones-IT news Company: hisilicon 930 chip on the A9, child abuse under high throughput

Although claims of domestic independent chip, but Huawei Hass processor in the market has been suffering frequent ridicule, its processes and performance are a generation behind international manufacturers. Very hot lately Hass 930 processor may have to change this situation.

Huawei tried often messages on Twitter @ Hass tried Jianhua WEI 930 processor uses the most advanced mobile processor technology. "There are teachers in the industry worried about Hass took a new process wafers, were worried about this, 930 16nm, A9 is A9 and 16nm,930 are two different line of 16nm, 930 16nm hifet (Huawei and TSMC developed and begin note Hi), the A9 is 16nm finfet, which was the key to skip the 20nm 16nm Huawei"

Huawei crossed 20nm, directly onto the 16nm chip, will Hass chip level par international standards of performance? Jianhua WEI continued to invoke its engineers "9,301 once completed will end after blasting a high pass. ”

Easier said than done, 930 chip what is a mule is a horse or take a stroll after the listing.

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