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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/9 5:33:02 Edit(编辑)
Novice programmers need to know the 10 secrets,

Novice programmers need to know the 10 secrets,

Novice programmers need to know the 10 Secrets-What do programmers need to learn, programmers get started, programming, programmer-IT news Novice programmers must know the 10 Secrets

Rookie you with diplomas of residual ink on jobs, struck immediately by the book didn't write the rules and various complicated day-to-day Affairs comes a time. Such stories are commonplace, programming is no exception.

Few students can 100% be prepared for his first real job. If you don't want to become one, please learn here are 10 no hands-on guide, you can learn basic skills:

1, a version control system (VCS)

VCS may be the biggest omission of computer course. Remember these courses teach how to write code, but often forget that teaches students how to manage code. Every programmer should know how to create a repository using Git or Subversion effectively (warehouse), edit, and submit code, branching and merging, project workflow.

2, learn to write

Not only being a programmer to write the code. You still have to write the project release notes, version control write commit messages, in the system of the vulnerability report. These and many places require clear and effective written communication-but the skills of computer science is rarely emphasized.

3, regular expressions

Regular expressions is a language in itself, each modern programmers are good at. Every modern language support related to regular expressions or the standard libraries. If your code needs to check whether a string contains 5 characters, one dash and 1 numbers, you should just write/^[A-Z]{5}-\d$/.

4, library use

Is now 2014, so nobody needs to use regular expressions to extract the hostname from URL. Because every modern programming language has a standard library of common functions.

Programmers need to be aware that after developing, testing, and debugging of code usually want to re-write the code better than themselves. More important is, without having to write code much faster.


Lots of SQL are learned on the job. How can database be elective it? There is no database right?

Put data into a flat file has ended. Everything to be in and out of the database, while the SQL language to access data. It is a declarative language, not a programming language, so use it to solve the problem requires a new way of thinking. Every programmer should understand the fundamentals database normalization to be able to implement SELECT (and its INNER, OUTER JOIN), INSERT, and UPDATE and DELETE.

6, IDE, editor and CLI tools

Only never saw Carpenter apprenticeship, so computer professional who only Notepad or Pico surprising. Programming tools to help control codes and other data, make programmers life much easier. Every programmer needs to know about the command line, shell scripts, find, grep, and sed.

7, debugging

Every programmer needs to know about using the interactive debugger, or embellished some of the output statements in your code to debug programs. Ability to track problems by stepwise refinement is so important.

8, mistake-proof programming

Errors are inevitable, even if it's a star programmer is no exception. Out of control is the norm of the world, error is not surprising. Mistake-proof programming it is understood this fact. If there is not error, we will not check the file open success without checking legality of customer ID numbers without test code allows the correct.

Programmers need to be aware that compiler warning is useful tool, will allow us to live more comfortably, rather than away to avoid trouble. Every programmer should know why each PHP program should start like this:


Every Perl program should write to these statements:

use strict; use warnings;

9, team collaboration

Few programming will make you finish alone, if you do this regularly, and intelligence is impaired, the performance drops. Code you have to interact with others, or mixed. Talented programmer, if you are unable to collaborate with others, will cause adverse effects to the project, and quickly become a burden on the organization.

10, leverage existing code

While in school, every job is a new project. But the real world is not like that. For working people, received the first task is to modify code vulnerabilities. Then, on the basis of the existing code base to add a small feature of the existing system. Design new code, that is a matter of a few months later, if you're lucky.

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