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published in(发表于) 2016/7/13 8:23:31 Edit(编辑)
Experts: solving urban congestion not eager “bar of iron“

Experts: solving urban congestion not eager “bar of iron“(专家:解决城市拥堵,不能巴望“巴铁”,)



Experts: solving urban congestion not eager "bar of iron"-the frontiers of science, 1th BA iron bus-IT information

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Bar iron--looks cool, popular network some time ago "traffic artifact", at the 14th World Congress on media day, onto the podium once again. BA tie is a new large-capacity urban light railway. This display of bar iron 60 meters long, total height of 5 meters, 7.8 meters wide, divided into two layers, the upper passenger and the lower hollow, 2 m cars free access. This idea can really solve the traffic congestion problem? Experts at the meeting said: technically feasible, but it is not realistic. This reporter from Tongji University, July 11 on the opening of the World Congress was informed.

"For the most simple example, bar iron as high as 5 meters, traffic lights, traffic signs are also going to build so high? That small cars and pedestrians on the pavement or see it? "Tongji University Party Committee Deputy Secretary of Fang shouen said, any kind of practical applications of technology, are subject to the requirements of restraint. Particular application areas transportation construction, pure technology can not solve practical problems.

15 years ago, Dean of Faculty of architecture and urban planning, Tongji University Li Zhenyu came to Germany, Germany's railway reached deep down and laments: if prior to retirement at home sitting on the train should have well ... ... Revisited after 15 years Germany railway, still good impression, just feel a bit slow--pace of development of China's road traffic has gone far beyond the expected.

"Twelve-Five", our complete transportation investment of 12.5 trillion yuan, high speed rail, highways, urban rail mileage in the world, with mileage of only subway in Shanghai is more than 600 km. Our road transport infrastructure to more and more perfect, new vehicles are constantly emerging.

So, why traffic jams are still serious? Only by the development of science and technology, why not fix the problem?

Traffic is not only a technical problem, more complex social problems. Need policies, mechanisms, management of a multi-pronged, complemented by appropriate technologies . Public transport is the transport of all types of people, businessmen, workers, retired people are involved. "As a University City, industrial zone, urban residential areas simply be divided into planning for each functional area, this is very unreasonable. ”

Fang shouen believes that city layout should use "groups" form, such as the United States model of town, every region has a relatively complete set of functional zoning, public transport systems in order to truly meet the needs of the public, and not a waste of resources. The city has formed a fixed partition, in order to solve the traffic congestion problem, only by gradual transfer of business centers of the future, and then to re-layout.

China's urban traffic conditions in the world's most complex, Fang shouen feel that in the process of China's urban transportation construction, construction can learn from abroad, but not wholesale, to local conditions .

For developing countries, rail construction costs too much, a burden. Bus rapid transit (BRT), is a cross between a rapid transit and bus transit between the new public transport system, you can reach the light rail service, being called "subway on the ground." Since the 70 's of last century Brazil built the first BRT route since the BRT, with its low cost of construction, can alleviate traffic advantages quickly became popular in the world, China has nearly 30 cities built BRT lines.

But with the development of urbanization, BRT will become unable to meet the demand of large urban populations, instead of taking up space, but unable to build mass transit.

"Good technology is only a tool and method, not because of hammer beautiful hammered twice! "Fang shouen," said Xiamen would do very well at this point, bridge mode, set aside space for future rail construction, BRT only as a transitional bridge. ”

专家:解决城市拥堵,不能巴望“巴铁” - 科技前沿,巴铁1号,巴士 - IT资讯













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