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Deep reading: Microsoft Small ice with Tencent micro entanglement

Deep reading: Microsoft Small ice with Tencent micro entanglement

Deep reading: Microsoft Small ice small ice with Tencent micro entanglement-Microsoft, slightly, Chi ice small ice, Bing, Microsoft, Tencent-IT news Deep reading: Microsoft Small ice with Tencent micro entanglement

Microsoft's "small ice" multiple personality "robot" micro-letter on June 1 and was "banned" after ", has not yet launched. In the eyes of dissidents, small ice is obviously the letter of through the Microsoft training their own "Siri" ... ... No matter what Microsoft to defend himself, is the deeper problem is that, after small ice into micro-letter can do?

?IT information with map.

On June 3, the Executive Vice President of Microsoft's Bing search team, and led the shenxiangyang interview was temporarily withdrawn, Microsoft said "negotiations are still in progress, both sides were asked to gag." The afternoon of June 5, shenxiangyang in feedback to the economic Observer newspaper said, "this product first micro-platform testing, but micro-just this one platform," ... ... Even before "protest", Microsoft has always stressed the importance of micro-platform. "Even in this time of ban following the events of small micro-trusted users also have the ability at any time to return to the ice side. "Shenxiangyang said.

It is reported that on June 6, Microsoft and Tencent has "return of small ice micro has established channels of communication at the highest level. "But apart from June 3 external explains why kill little ice outside of Tencent's side, there is not much to explain.

Blocking and anti-General

Microsoft is now in the implementation plan, in addition to increase the intensity of negotiations with the company, they have begun to seek possibilities of cooperation with other social platforms, and small ice II listed times are likely to be much earlier. "A few weeks later, after all, is always strategic to our cooperation with Tencent, friction and sometimes local optimization to promote further cooperation between the two sides. "Microsoft (Asia) brand director Li Di Internet Academy of engineering said.

Li Di said, "small ice users of Tencent, we just serving its users with additional services. "Microsoft (Asia) Internet Engineering Chief Development Director Jing Kun also believes that" these services do not need to move users away from the platform. ”

They started with a small ice even described as "a service-oriented products", rather than too much to emphasize its tools. "Little ice can come straight to micro group in making money? I feel I can. But if we do, the first would lose the trust of users, will lose the second founder of the ecological environment. "Li Di said, they tried to throw ads at micro-group, but the results were not good.

"So little ice itself had no independent business models, but we want to do, simply because it is a great source of data, and we also have the opportunity to direct contacts with a large number of users. ”

On the risk assessment of small ice, Li Di also thought Tencent would be a comprehensive ban, even if Microsoft's well-regarded in the industry, but this product form is easily linked with problems such as drainage, leaking users ' privacy. "We have been using the normal dialog interface, even using the privacy more rigorously than micro-letter protection mechanisms. "Li Di," said Tencent nor we completely shut down, try to get in, we can still do it. ”

Objectively speaking, Microsoft on this project is on track and is not fully "comply with" the General rules of the domestic Internet. Relevant personnel had just informed the company of the project, "but at that time they did not understand what our product is too. "Li Di as saying.

Unconventional small ice lies-such micro-cluster based personal assistant product has never been seen, "are based on the hardware, like, if you don't have iPhone, Siri could not be enjoyed. "The second is Microsoft's potential partners could never have imagined it would" stoop "to their platform. They are ready to "talk-by-doing" because Microsoft would think that this project is from the top down "do no harm".

And sure enough the whole event's biggest paradox.

June 1, at 7 o'clock in the morning, Tencent suddenly began to clean up all the small ice account. After the explanation given, Tencent said, is worried about how little ice will affect the user's information security, because some of the fake account of small ice appeared.

Related personnel at this point included shenxiangyang, Li Di, is being negotiated with Tencent, small ice line on the next day, Tencent launched a dialogue. Official channel of communication between them built up quickly, Microsoft answered many questions, small ice needs to provide specialized advice is Tencent's account, so the background is relatively easy to manage. Microsoft first released 100,000 small ice account, is using a special technology to do, did not actually follow micro-regular account application process.

Tencent is certainly not pure are banned for the very bad user experience, "little ice."

Since self-letter on the line, has been like a closed black box data master the micro readily, outsiders have no way of guessing. Microsoft hosts a small ice after micro-letter 100,000 groups, can be evaluated, and know many of micro-internal data, such as the number of groups, each group member number, activity, speech frequency and so on ... ... Tencent this data is probably the most worried about.

Like Tencent started a micro-dumpling Hall, next door to a restaurant waiter small ice not to appear as a competitor, but rather to consumers who come in, each table sat a, micro-Maitre said. Start is true, Maitre 'd, then maybe just minimally trusted users say "MSN has launched a new feature, fun, would you like to try? In the next ... ... "

If there are 100,000 100,000 groups a little ice, buddy list each cluster algorithm through the machine, it should be easy to figure out what micro-relations within the chain. Of course, 100,000 small ice is not enough, an estimated 200,000, 300,000 ... ... Then the micro can tolerate? Obviously no, there's no chance. 3Q war why fight that year, is partly because 360 let everyone back up to QQ friends 360.

Joe: deflects to China?

As the incarnation of Bing, "little ice" carry the future of Microsoft's search engine technology. So the company suddenly "attack", which makes Microsoft very angry, because previously Tencent did not require Microsoft to stop the service. So that review a wide dissemination of statements, "we do not have for a small ice put on his armour. Now, once clever cute they are, just cold, dead. ”

When the relevant personnel, including shenxiangyang, Li Di was negotiating with Tencent, small ice line on the next day, Tencent launched a dialogue. Official channel of communication between them was soon established, Microsoft has answered many questions, small ice needs to provide specialized advice is Tencent's account, so the background is relatively easy to manage. Microsoft first released 100,000 small ice account, is using a special technology to do, did not actually follow micro-regular account application process.

Li Di, small ice "is like the FTA" is not without risks, the main reason is not a faster rhythm, and development processes. But Microsoft is not very familiar with domestic Internet play, especially when it decided with the help of micro-China's most popular platforms, and the way to promote more radical.

Fact did so, small ice on line in a few days ' time, although popular, but there are a lot of negative feedback. Its corpus, after all, are not rich enough, it makes it sometimes answering, looking less smart.

Jing Kun and Li Di was doing called "Bing's network code" products, it is also Bing's core product, is different with traditional search, its search results are questions and answers. "But we wonder if we can make a ' proxy ', the background using data from Bing, front end, more interesting and more social. "Li Di said that's small ice emergence of the creative process, they pulled the ten people, and soon began the project, code-named" social assistant ".

King Kun January lurkey inspections a chance to work in China, used his cell phone to show him the prototype version of the small ice. Lurkey eyes light up, immediately ordered them to launch this product, "the sooner, the better." In April, lurkey came to China again, this product has been formed, he personally had "little ice" name, and began to tilt toward this project resources. From mid-April onwards, the project team and entered a closed period until May 29 formally launched.

Layout search

Small ice was prompted lurkey, that Microsoft is now the most powerful Chinese Executive who oversees Microsoft's applications and services Engineering Department, one of four business units. One of his central theme is "China First" late last year, his business within the jurisdiction of China in addition to United States and United Kingdom third outside core markets.

It was because he felt the changes in the market. In April this year, lurkey in the United States to accept the economic observer interview, repeatedly referred to the micro, "micro-letters represented the whole of China Mobile Internet or mobile ecosystem, in the United States is not the same phenomenon. "He said," so I used ground are global products to China, is now the first in China to do the core product, and if you do it right, and then backstepping to the rest of the market. ”

Lurkey badly by small changes on the ice to promote Microsoft's Internet business, close to Internet business before, always been Microsoft's most stressed sectors. Bing search is a good example, it's losses have exceeded $ 5 billion. He also changed the strategy Microsoft used to own before to build an ecosystem, but its small iced before the birth, he started to encourage country teams to use other ecosystems.

Small ice--Cortana and Microsoft's core product is a team in China, is a personal assistant-type products, their infrastructure, but the positioning is different, "Cortana to learn more and to consider Windows Phone combination, its ecosystem is there. ”

Lurkey requirements of this team is to operate in full accordance with the Internet company. Such as little ice with only 5 months of development time, but according to Microsoft's past practice, from product design to final online 30-36 spent months. "We have the opportunity to lead in the creation, during the testing phase will be to do all the work, lurkey helped us eliminate a lot of decision-making between the various sectors, our project reports directly to him. "Li Di said.

Microsoft, of course, there are still further the idea of "first through the interaction and communication between the user and can be further tuned our background Grand index data, we will more clearly now want to know exactly what the majority of users, sort and optimize our search. Then there is the small ice will use Microsoft's own variety of vertical search, as well as a number of services, which could also have an effect on our services. "Jing Kun says.

Lurkey even thought that the search box is not the only thing that matters, "we don't have to compete with Google front, Microsoft's larger goal is to build the next generation of technology. "Lurkey felt China was found" next generation technology "place to be" in the next two or three years, our mission is to reach more customers, billions of level, we must have a sufficient understanding of them. ”

Currently, Microsoft and its subsequent communication between them does not look smooth, as of press time, the economic observer journalists still was informed that the process of negotiations between the two sides. But you can foresee is that conclusions of the case is vital to Microsoft.

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