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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/7 8:56:10 Edit(编辑)
Tongue on the screen: AMOLED LCD contrast

Tongue on the screen: AMOLED LCD contrast

Tongue on the screen: LCD contrast-AMOLED and AMOLED screens, LCD screens, Samsung-IT news Tongue on the screen: AMOLED LCD contrast

If you are a qualified cargo, you first of all notes that should be food, food is food. Gourmet appreciation after the us again from a technical point of view to discuss the subtle relationship between screen and food, such as what kind of screen display vividly show cuisine.

If you ask Samsung, Samsung will tell you that using AMOLED screens of the tongue on China, you will have the urge to lick the screen.

Proud of Samsung AMOLED screen, high-end flagship smart phone like Galaxy S5, Galaxy Note 3 high-end Tablet Galaxy Tab to be released and the s series will adopt AMOLED screen.

Recently, Samsung has released a set of AMOLED screen and LCD screen contrast picture, the main purpose is to let the pictures do the talking, showing what are the advantages of AMOLED LCD contrast.

From this picture, we can see that the AMOLED color reproduction of color better, 94%, contrast, LCD color reproduction-74%.

Second picture, Samsung is the screen contrast, everybody please watch this seductive lobster, left for the AMOLED screen, bright colors, contrast, 100,000:1, displayed on the LCD screens on the right effect, contrast is only 1000:1.

High contrast ratio means that the picture is vivid, black had a deeper, the color is also more abundant than LCD. At the same time it means that the AMOLED screen does not compromise on the color and contrast of the original image. Undeniable is that AMOLED screen viewing experience than other screens better, and this experience will also be on the Galaxy Tab to be released in the s-series Tablet be promoted.

Galaxy Tab AMOLED screen display s will have a new model, called AMOLED and AMOLED Photo Cinema, in addition to professional and dynamic mode, the two appear on the AMOLED display mode on the device.

After reading this article, we must also have their own opinion, everyone can share in the comments. After seeing everyone's comments came as us first look at the evaluation of users abroad is AMOLED screen with LCD screen.

Foreign netizens have generally agreed that AMOLED screen looks great. User analysis, two major advantages of AMOLED is better contrast black and more black, which happened to be the LCD panel lacks. Cinema mode and Professional mode preset color performance in which they can provide. There will be more and more people are using the mobile screen to editing professional pictures, these users will end up taking into account the importance of colour contrast and vibrant colour. Of course, there are also netizens who think AMOLED color is too bright, saturated colors are overblown.

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