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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/6 9:04:19 Edit(编辑)
More videos that sunk in a collision with the Chinese side in public the more fishing boats, China said more active collision

More videos that sunk in a collision with the Chinese side in public the more fishing boats, China said more active collision

More public videos as Chinese fishing vessels that sunk in a collision with the Chinese side as possible active collision | | Sino-Vietnamese relations _ the dispute of South China Sea news

June 6, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website news, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei's regular press conference today, and d-70 World War II anniversary ceremonies, meeting of the China-Japan friendship 21st century Committee question and answer session.

Issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website question and answer record is as follows:

One, XI Jinping, President's Special Envoy, Minister of culture CAI will be held on June 7 were invited to attend Ukraine's newly elected President bide·boluoshenke inauguration ceremony.

Second, upon invitation by the President, XI Jinping, Republic of Congo President Denis Sassou-Nguesso will pay State visit to China from June 11 to 19th, Taihu World Cultural Forum, held in Shanghai and attended the third annual Conference.

Third, on June 5, the Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum Ministerial meeting held in Beijing. To consolidate the Sino-Arab friendly tone for this meeting in order to build a main line of the Silk Road, in order to achieve common development and prosperity as the target, focus of Sino-Arab cooperation under the new situation, priority areas, specific initiatives, reached a series of important consensus on the implementation of the road map.

XI Jinping, China's President, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech, Minister, Kuwait his Highness the Prime Minister Jabir, 20 Arab Foreign Ministers and Ministers attended this high specification unprecedented, fully shows the Sino-Arab friendship.

The Conference signed the "Beijing Declaration" and "2014 to 2016 implementation plan of action", "between 2014 and 2024 development" three important documents. Ten-year plan to identify the economic and trade, energy, culture, industry, agriculture, science and technology in 15 areas as the key areas of cooperation. Implementation plan provides for the next 2 years, the two sides will continue to make the best 7 institutional activities such as Sino-Arab Entrepreneur Conference.

To build "along the way", that is, and 21st century Silk Road on the sea Silk Road economic belt planning future development of Sino-Arab relations, is a highlight of the meeting. XI Jinping, the President proposed building "1+2+3" layout of cooperation, namely energy cooperation as the mainstream, with infrastructure building and trade and investment facilitation into two wings, in nuclear energy, space satellites and cooperation in high-tech fields such as new energy for a new breakthrough, which is leading the development of Sino-Arab relations and the historic opportunity of construction of the Forum. China is ready to work together with the Arab side, close cooperation, forming mutually beneficial, altogether seeks the development of communities of interests and common destiny, meet the Sino-Arab relations and the Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum together better for ten years.

  Q: it is reported that recently, the Germany federal prosecutors announced an investigation United States national security agency eavesdropping Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel about the phone. China's comment on this?

A: China has noted that Germany announced its investigation about hacking. We have consistently opposed the use of information and communication technology endangering their security or invasion of privacy.

  Q: it is understood that series officials in East Asia will be held in Myanmar, the Chinese side will send official who attended? Please describe the relevant schedules, the Chinese delegation and China looked forward to the main topics of the Conference.

Answer: from June 7 to 9th, ASEAN, Japan and South Korea (10+3) senior officials ' meeting, East Asia Summit (EAS) senior officials ' meeting, the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) senior officials ' meeting will be held in Yangon, Myanmar. This is Myanmar as ASEAN held the Presidency for the first time East Asia series official, China attached great importance to, Liu Zhenmin, Deputy Foreign Minister will lead a delegation to attend.

Conference will focus on 10+3, East Asia Summit, ASEAN Regional Forum and other mechanisms for cooperation development direction and pragmatic cooperation in all areas, exchanging views on international and regional issues of common concern, and for this year's East Asian leaders ' series of meetings and a series of Foreign Ministers will prepare for it.

In the East Asia series official at the meeting, China will focus on implementation of the outcome of the East Asian leaders ' series of meetings last year initiatives, mechanisms for regional cooperation in East Asia and the developing direction of position and proposition, views on international and regional issues, and so on. During the meeting, Vice Minister Liu Zhenmin, with Myanmar and other ASEAN countries will also hold bilateral meetings and other relevant State officials.

The Chinese side hoped the series officials will highlight the theme of development and strengthening pragmatic cooperation, and properly handle related sensitive issues, to promote the healthy and stable development of East Asian cooperation and make due contributions.

  Q: it is reported that the 6th, including the United States, Britain, France, Germany and Russia attended by 19 heads of State and Government of France North of the Normandy invasion of World War II 70 annual memorial service was held. China's comment on this? This commemoration today of what in the world?

A: this is the 70 anniversary of the Normandy, Europe and all peace-loving people in the world when we celebrate the Memorial. Experience, if not forgotten. World War II has been in Europe over the history of a page, Germany's sincere repentance, get the respect of the world. Battlefield victims in Asia, however, as World War II and the defeat of Japan, and its leader has attempted to whitewash aggression, large clock on the history issue, challenging the victory of World War II and the postwar international order, have been widely condemned by the international community. We once again urge Japan's leaders to face up to and deeply reflect on its history of aggression, take concrete actions to correct the error and win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community.

  Q: Russia President Vladimir Putin attended the 70 anniversary ceremonies of the Normandy, and meeting with Western leaders. Does this help to defuse Ukraine tensions?

A: China in Ukraine's stance on the issue is consistent and clear, in current circumstances, we hope relevant parties will do more things conducive to easing tension, political resolve Ukraine crisis conditions.

  Q: first of all, China to Vietnam to expose the Chinese fishing vessel sunk by Vietnam on video what is your response? Secondly, according to the founder of the Philippines to intensify in the South China Sea by reclaiming land from China have any response?

A: on your first question, Viet Nam's approach is an attempt to daodayipa. At a news conference yesterday, I had to introduce, the Chinese side of the vessel was built at South drilling platform performing convoy security tasks, in a State of Defense, sunlight is more vessels of more than 100 nautical miles from entering the sea, Guard vessel attempts to force a collision the Chinese side, seriously endangers the safety of Chinese ships and crew members. Attacks who was at the scene, who is defending side, who create tensions, it is very clear.

With regard to the second issue, and China has indisputable sovereignty over Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters, and in any action on the Islands and reefs in China, it is something within the scope of Chinese sovereignty, it has nothing to do with the Philippines.

  Q: at today's meeting of the China-Japan friendship 21st century Committee, both sides agreed to meet in November in China before the formal meetings of the Committee. Comment the Chinese side?

Answer: on June 5 and 6th, 21st century Committee for Sino-Japanese friendship in Japan Nagasaki held a seminar on Sino-Japanese relations. As the Chinese Committee senior member Tang Jiaxuan emphasized in his speech, day in dealing with Sino-Japanese relations requires both sides to seriously revisit the provisions of the four political documents, practical spirit and return to normalization of the principles laid down. Current between the two countries to properly handle history and the Diaoyu Island issue, eliminate political obstacles for the development of bilateral relations. We urge Japan Governments to take appropriate action to create conditions for the improvement of relations between the two countries.

(Original title: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of World War II 70 anniversary ceremonies of the Normandy's question and answer session (records))

19:37 June 06, 2014 China News Network

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