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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/16 12:21:12 Edit(编辑)
Chinese couple vacation while snorkeling in the Maldives drowned

Chinese couple vacation while snorkeling in the Maldives drowned(中国夫妇马尔代夫度假浮潜时溺水身亡)

Chinese couple on holiday drowned while snorkeling in the Maldives | | | tourists drowned in the Maldives _ news

According to the Xinhua (reporter Yang Meiju Huang Haimin) Chinese Embassy in Maldives 15th confirmed that a Chinese couple in maerdaifusa 14th Julie Island Resort Hotel drowned while snorkeling near the sea.

15th local media citing police sources said that the 14th, when Julie island resort when a pair of Chinese tourists snorkeling in the sea of drowning, rescue workers in more than 200 meters from shore on the surface they rescued and sent to hospital for medical treatment on the island. Hospital says, local time, 14th, aged 67 and 57 years of Chinese tourists were sent to the hospital have died.

Noted that Chinese citizens after the drowning, the Chinese Embassy in Maldives emergency contingency plan activated, requires local help to bodies of the victims arrived in the capital, Malé, keep, get in touch with the family at the same time, conveyed greetings and help deal with the aftermath of the Embassy.

Chinese tourists to travel abroad during the Chinese new year holiday rush hour. Chinese Embassy in the Maldives again during the holidays to Malaysia Chinese tourists according to their own discretion to participate in water sports, snorkeling in particular pose a higher risk, be sure to note about the bulb before you understand, master device to use, wear life jackets at all times, and must be accompanied by someone at the scene.

(Edit: SN098)
January 16, 2014 Cities evening news

  据新华社电(记者杨梅菊 黄海敏) 中国驻马尔代夫使馆15日证实,一对中国夫妇14日在马尔代夫萨芙莉岛度假酒店附近海面浮潜时溺水身亡。





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