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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:42:15 Edit(编辑)
Zhaoyuan interference massacre Memorial is to visit the families of the deceased

Zhaoyuan interference massacre Memorial is to visit the families of the deceased

Zhaoyuan interfere with murder victim family honor is murder petitioners | Zhaoyuan | Almighty God _ news

The newspaper News (mission Zhaoyuan reporter Xue Zhenyu) yesterday was Zhaoyuan Wu Shuoyan was killed on the seventh day of the public, commonly known as the "first seven". 10:10 A.M., Wu Shuoyan's husband, son and other relatives of six or seven McDonald's came to Wu Shuoyan was killed in front of Memorial. The whole process lasted for 5 minutes.

  Mourning lasted for 5 minutes

A relative told the Chinese newspaper reporter Wu Shuoyan, the local customs, the "first seven" to "77" Memorial, to be completed by 12 points in the morning. Wu Shuoyan "first seven" before the onset of family members and local police conducted communications, plan to visit the Memorial Wu Shuoyan was killed. Police have also made a report to the relevant departments, have been agreed.

Yesterday at about 9 o'clock in the morning, Zhaoyuan city, McDonald began to clear in front and downtown department stores sent a lot of security, many people form a circle around McDonald's in front of a vacant lot.

10:10, Wu Shuoyan's relatives arrived at the scene, her husband and son were wearing masks, holding Wu Shuoyan son's photograph. Mourning process is very simple, and will end in about 5 minutes. After the family left, staff will still be smoking money swept off.

  Local denies "Almighty God" cult riot

During the course of this short tribute, however, there was a surprising scene. One woman wrote a word of white cloth hangs on his chest rushed to the memorial site, were maintaining order at the scene of Zhaoyuan city public Security Bureau security police quickly overpowered, dragged out of the House. Then the crowd rushing out an older women, also were subdued, control on a car.

Since then, some netizens revealed that Wu Shuoyan memorial site on the Internet has a suspected "Almighty God" pilgrims rioted interfere with torchlight. The news quickly online fermentation caused murmured, gentlemen, "Almighty God worshipers of slaughter" outrage.

However, Zhaoyuan municipal party Committee propaganda department denied this news. According to Department staff, rushed to the mourning women appealing to officers at the scene, and the "Almighty God" cult has nothing to do.

Wu Shuoyan, a relative, told reporters: "I think it should not be the Almighty God who seems to be appealing to the mouth shouting ' kill ' and ' wrong ', do you had any injuries in the past, wants to take advantage of the presence of the police, media opportunities to express. ”

  Had told the child "MOM"

Wu Shuoyan 6 year old son to appear at the memorial site, uncle Wu Shuoyan said: "now don't you tell him pretty much, kid, albeit small, don't know anything on the surface, we see his heart seems to be very clear, these days he does not say anything during the day, at night, looking for his mother. Because the mother had promised to buy him a gift liuyiertongjie, also will take him to dance and he would always ask about this. Child did not cry and always talk in a low voice: MOM where to go? Why don't come back? Family had to tell him the truth: the mother is gone, killed by bad guys. Let him take it, and can I do? You accept what you have to accept. "Know the boy did not cry, but eyes red, his nose, very aggrieved look. This makes adults look more sad,

Uncle Wu Shuoyan said that the gangsters of the brutality was appalling, autopsy, Wu Shuoyan's body is pulled into the funeral home, relatives had a lot of trouble trying to put on her shroud.

They want the Government to severely punish the criminals as soon as possible for them, and comfort the victim.

  Yaozhou farmers create a cult "disciple Union" have been deceived more than 300 counties 350,000 people

China anti-cult Association pointed out that, except in domestic more active of this 11 species cult organization, also has "spirit spirit taught", and "South Church", and "was State King", and "main God taught", and "world to Lee Asia Gospel missionary will", and "round Dayton method", and "New Testament Church", and "Dami missionary will", and "father of children", cult organization in my territory also has missionary, and party, and trouble-makers, activities, reminded masses note against its against

Recently, the China anti-cult Association introduces 11 species in the more active situation of evil cults, and draw the attention of the general public recognition and prevention


"Falun Gong"

"Falungong" is a cult developed in the early 1990 of the 20th century in some parts of China. Its leader, Li Hongzhi, through fabricated fallacies of the "Falungong" practitioners to implement extreme mental control, a lot of illegal and criminal activities in China. "Falun Gong" major risks: one is a violation of human rights, and destroyed lives. Under Li Hongzhi's spiritual control over more than 1000 "Falungong" practitioner in accordance with Li Hongzhi's "Falungong" practitioner who's sick and can't make the pill, heresies, refused a hospital refused a drug death, hundreds of practitioners to self-harm, suicide, more than more than 30 innocent "Falungong" fanatics to kill. II is a danger to society, invade other people's natural rights. As attacks on civilian communications satellites, destroying radio and television facilities for large-scale telephone harassment, intimidation, and sending spam over the network, and so on. Third, any malicious attack individuals and groups who disagree, violation of citizens ' right to free speech. Four is the heretical approach to anti-China political activities. Outside, the "Falun Gong" seek refuge with anti-China forces in the West, trying to smear China's image. Spread many rumors against China in foreign countries in recent years such as "Chinese organ harvesting Falun Gong practitioners", "in Western countries a substantial presence in China spies" and so on, are "Falungong" cooperate with overseas anti-China forces in fabricating, spreading.


"Almighty God"

Also known as the "Oriental lightning", "real God", in the early 1990 of the 20th century, from the cult "shout" differential evolution. Master Zhao Weishan, former Department of "chanting" Caucus. In recent years, "Almighty God" to take so-called "Mayan prophecy" manufacture "apocalyptic" panic, through various ways such as gongs, public meetings and processions, touted the "end of the world", crazy people pulling into, activity in most provinces and cities. In recent years there have been many cases of "Almighty God" cult cases of murder, wounding with intent, lie to grabbing money.



Also known as "God's Church", as "local churches", "the Lord's recovery" is a Chinese American Li Chang in 1962 in the United States was founded. Evolved into the United States "water level" as the Center, with Taiwan "Gospel library" and a "Biblical Studies Centre" as a launch pad, Thailand, and Malaysia, the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries, the Church as a secondary base, spreading to developments around the world, focusing on penetration of the cult in mainland China.



And said "three foreclosure Christ", and "three foreclosure taught", and "wilderness narrow door", and "wilderness taught", and "22 grain taught", and "Mongolian head taught" or "Mongolian head will", by Shaanxi Province yaoxian County (now for tongchuan city Yaozhou district) farmers Ji Sanbao (formerly known as Ji Zhongjie) Yu 1989 established, internal has always, and small branch, and Church points, 7 level institutions. By the beginning of 1995, the activities of the Organization has been involved in more than 300 counties across the 14 provinces, subject to deceive the masses of more than 350,000 people. The organization claims to be Christian, its illegal activities are referred to "preach the Gospel". "Disciple," described as a black and white society in the world today, calling on believers to take power. Their heresies were promoting "the prayer cure", so members refused a hospital refused a drug death; the second is "casting out demons heal" violence death; third, implement controls, cause insanity, anger, and the spreading heresies and create social panic, undermine the production and life of the masses; five were deceived members, and illicit enrichment.


"Unification Church"

The full name of "the World Association for Christian Unity God", by the Korea human distinct in 1954 in Korea founded in Busan. In 1999 changed its name to "Federation of world peace and unification of family." In April 2008, stark and his wife Han Hezi appointed qiziwenhengjin as "Federation of world peace and unification of family" President of "Unification Church" new "successor". "Unification Church" strictly control the believer on the teachings and with the established so-called "ideal family" in the name of free to teach believers specify marriage between men and women in order to achieve the purpose of followers physical control.



By shiqinghai in 1988 in Taiwan with "meditation Association of the Republic of China" name was registered. Shiqinghai, common name Zhang Lanjun, female, was born in May 1950 in Viet Nam, British subjects in Chinese. Shiqinghai proclaimed himself "Supreme Master Ching Hai", synonymous with Buddha, Jesus Christ, God, Allah, etc. At present, "Quan yin" foreign infiltration of the cult, and outside activities, cult backbone transmission within the cult article, take education and enrichment activities.


"Blood of the Holy Spirit"

Known as the "blood of Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit full Gospel Crusades", also called "Holy Spirit reconstruction Church", with headquarters in Taiwan. Their leader Zuo Kun, male, born in October 1930. Established at the beginning, Taiwan authorities found its cults tend to be squeezed. To avoid combat, Zuo Kun Taiwan immigrants to the United States. In recent years, the teaching is also active to the penetration and development in organizations, collect money and madness to the believers in China, Zuo Kun himself is "wealth" and "color" are all good people.


"Full-scope Church"

By Xu Yongze (April 2000 fled United States) established in April 1984. Which wantonly spread rumors heresy, to interpret the full range as "big, wide and deep", which means that include all people born on Earth. Written by Xu to the Organization of the basic construction for the draft programme of the Church and proposed "Christianization, the national Chinese culture, churches of Christ in the Gospel of the Kingdom, and power of the Lord".


"Three servants"

Also known as the "true Church", was founded by Xu Wenku, in 1986. He called Christian "Church of truth" in the name of the self-proclaimed "servant of God", "body of Christ" preaching to the Northeast, creating an organization. To achieve the aim of development organizations, control members, amassed money, "three servants" has 17 manufacturing murder cases in over a dozen cities and provinces, killing a total of 21 people, injuring 4 people, harm to society is enormous.


 "Spirit immortal true Buddha"

Also known as the "spirit homes total Fame" is made up of American Chinese Lu Shengyan (Taiwan in Chiayi County, and settled in 1982 United States Seattle) in 1979 in Taiwan founded, with headquarters in the United States Seattle Thunder Temple. Lu Shengyan waving the banner of religion, claiming to be "living Buddha", "Buddha". The Organization to "law day, law, legal persons" principle, mixed with folk since Ming and Qing dynasties "secret societies" and "the Stirling engine's math" and other qishihuozhong, hoodwink the masses.


  "Chinese mainland Chief Deacon"

By Wang Yongmin (ex: "cry out" staff) was founded in 1994. King himself as "the one deacon", and composed of 5 people, led by his leadership, the establishment of a "mainland China the Chief Deacon" organization. Wang Yongmin says "' Chinese mainland Chief Deacon ' establishment is the expansion of administrative staff, growing consortium of God, knocked down Satan's administration, establish the main land day. While promoting "Armageddon", "the end has come, 199,999, God's Kingdom will be established."

The people of

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  Lv Yingchun divorce with ex-husband "and something to do with religion"

On June 2, were legally arrested 5 suspects one of the Lv Yingchun, is the lover of Zhang Lidong, and only in Zhaoyuan natives.

Household register showing Lui Ying chun Yu with a daughter, born in 2002. LV spring after divorce, children awarded to the men. Yingchun married lived in Longkou city, Lu xufu North Lee Street Village, the village accountant says: "I heard after the couple divorced, divorce because of her cult. "Lv Yingchun was married to North Lee in early 2000, about three years ago, Lee and her husband divorced.

Lv Yingchun mother-in-law said she and her son to divorce, and she has something to do with religion, but more often it is a disagreement between two people. Usually they did not see anything unusual Lv Yingchun is only occasionally heard her say, "we are God 's". She did not know when Lv Yingchun was associated with the cult 's, just then, often do not go home. Integrated

  Message McDonald's statements are false network

Reporter (reporter Mao Mina) in Zhaoyuan city, Shandong province after the murder took place, incidents took place at McDonald's restaurant into a whirlpool of public opinion. Yesterday, the netizens in the micro, micro-blogging, spread with a signature for McDonald's (China) Ltd the statement we issued today are not happy. Reporter at McDonald's in Xian store understands that Internet rumor is false the message.

Said in a statement: "McDonald's for the victims of this tragedy and their families, the company unlimited sorrow and regret, I'm sorry, but we did not lend a helping hand to the victims or to do something! We're really sorry, blame! ”

The statement also said, "our company stores all stores all over China counter this Declaration notices, expressing our grief to the victims she, because she is our customer. "The commitments made in the Declaration," McDonald's commitment to accept Wu, a child of the deceased minors all the living expenses and education expenses. "The statement closing phrase is dated May 31.

Is this statement true or false? Yesterday afternoon, this reporter visited the XI ' an city of several McDonald's restaurants, stores, did not find said in a statement "posted notice of this Declaration". McDonald's Datang xishi store official said: "we have not received a notice from company about this statement, in General, if there is such a statement, companies must be e-mailed to stores across the country, but until now we did not receive the message. ”

Yesterday, the McDonald's official media Thursday, McDonald's microblog is currently the only channel release message, in addition to this, users in other channels to see the announcement was false news.

  Liaoning 4 "Almighty God" cult member sentenced

Liaoning first "Almighty God" cult cases in Benxi Hengren County people's Court sentenced, Feng Guofen, 4 members of the cult were sentenced to four and three years respectively.

Feng Guofen, 4 are in the Liaoning Provincial public security organs to combat evil cult organizations of "Almighty God," special operations have netted. On June 22, 2013, Huanren in Benxi police report said the crowd, someone in HR, f, East side community "Almighty God" cult gatherings. Yang Shuqing police will participate in the gathering, Liu Yunyan, Jiang Lifeng 3 women arrested, confiscating illegally obtained large numbers of "Almighty God" cult books and manuscript notes. Upon review, identified by the police, "Almighty God" cult in HR, also has a woman leader Feng Guofen, she is responsible for managing the day-to-day affairs in the Church.

The trial, Yang Shuqing, and Liu Yunyan, and Jiang Lifeng, three people offered to plead guilty. Feng Guofen trial you have messed up, arguing that their practice "Almighty God" is not a cult. Court sentences Feng Guofen imprisonment of four years, Yang Shuqing, Liu Yunyan, Jiang Lifeng imprisonment of three years.

According to the Shenyang evening news

  "Almighty God" into Taiwan

  Island called Strait join hands in "evil"

According to Xinhua, "Almighty God" has also penetrated into Taiwan. After the case, the Christian community on the island is strongly called for Taiwan people recognize the cult nature, hope establishing a communication platform between the two sides to join forces in combating the cult.

Taiwan Christian cross-Strait Exchange Association of China Vice Chairman Ouyang's home State said the "Almighty God" into Taiwan are not brief, recent positive Taiwan Christian infiltration trick to win followers. From 2012 onwards, the "Almighty God" cult organization not only presence on the streets, in Taiwan newspapers, advertising on TV to promote so-called "Almighty God" to lure Taiwan people to Islam. Zhaoyuan city, after the murder, they have published large ads in the mainstream press, to confuse the public.

Ouyang Li said, Taiwan cross-Strait Exchange Association of supervisors of Christ in China will organize tours to the Mainland to visit next week, hope to work with mainland institutions to establish communication platforms, the regular exchange of information, strengthening education cooperation and early warning to crack down on "Almighty God" cult. Source: China daily

(Original title: Wu Shuoyan was killed "seven" front of the McDonald's family tribute (photo))

(Edit: SN067)
03:20 June 04, 2014 North network

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