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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 0:00:23 Edit(编辑)
American outrage thousands Chinese gathered the New York Times Square protests China program

American outrage thousands Chinese gathered the New York Times Square protests China program(美近千华裔聚集纽约时报广场抗议辱华节目)

Beautiful thousands Chinese gathered the New York Times Square protests the cat program | | |-Chinese Times Square protests in China _ news

November 11, according to United States the newspaper reports, in the greater New York area protests United States Broadcasting Company (ABC), organized by the Commission, from around New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and other places of thousands of 9th Chinese people gather in times square to protest the Jimmy Kimmel show ABC television affront to China not long ago. Day of protests in New York and San Francisco, Los Angeles and other protests in a dozen cities across America echoed, is the largest Chinese protest demonstrations in recent years.

Youth from Wenzhou, Zhejiang Hu Xianlei CUNY students of immigrants to the United States was one of the protest leaders of the day. Now an intern at the United Nations about his childhood in schools because of language barriers and discrimination was still fresh. He led protesters chanting "ABC apology! "" Dismissal of Jimmy Kimmel "and" killing joke "and other slogans, and narrative itself when that year's experience. He said that this protest is not only to ABC's public apology, more important to arouse the Chinese to maintain self awareness of the rights and dignity and solidarity of other ethnic minorities, and growing overall strength.

Ge Jianqing was a housewife from New Jersey, she was dissatisfied with the ABC show bad influence on the entire Chinese community especially the youth to join the protests. The audience by her indignant attitude and motivational atmosphere was high.

Many protesters also took part in the day before yesterday in front of the ABC protest. Li Chunyan, a professor from Pace University again with two two-year-olds to attend the protest, and let the children read historic speeches of Martin Luther King's I have a dream to awaken people's consciousness and struggles for racial equality.

One at La Guardia high school of the arts of Japanese descent, and part-Yugoslav high school student Adam Raickovich touched by protest crowds, goes ahead and speak to the front desk. He said that as a student in high school rarely see Asian faces around him, which already has put more pressure on him, and now Kimmel again this program of spreading hatred and rhetoric effects on young people. Hope the protest will arouse people's attention to this discussion.

Ouyang cold from NSW and others organized and launched the protest via the Internet. Hualian Association Deputy Chairman Hua Junxiong, Zhang Binghu engaged in IT work on Wall Street, also assisted in the Organization of the large-scale protest demonstration.

Hua Junxiong, said the protests were successful, the next step up to ABC have any response, protest Committee to decide after next steps for action. (Guan Liming)

(Original title: the United States and thousands of Chinese people gathered in New York's Times Square to protest ABC shame China program)

(Edit: SN035)
November 11, 2013 China News Network

  中新网11月11日电 据美国《侨报》报道,在大纽约地区抗议美国广播公司(ABC)委员会的组织下,来自纽约周边新泽西、康州等地的近千华裔民众9日中午聚集在时报广场,抗议ABC电视台Jimmy Kimmel节目不久前的辱华言论。当天纽约的抗议和旧金山、洛杉矶等全美十几个城市的抗议遥相呼应,是近年来规模最大的一次华人抗议示威行动。

  幼年从浙江温州移民来美的纽约市立大学学生胡显雷是当天的抗议领袖之一。目前在联合国实习的他对自己童年在学校因语言不通而遭到的歧视仍记忆犹新。他在带领抗议者高呼“ABC道歉!” “解雇Jimmy Kimmel”和“杀戮不是玩笑”等口号时也与众人叙说了自己当年的经历。他表示,这次抗议不单是要ABC公共道歉,更重要的唤起华人维护自我权益和尊严的意识,并团结其他少数族裔,壮大整体的力量。



  一名在拉瓜迪亚艺术高中就读的日裔和南斯拉夫裔混血的高中生Adam Raickovich也被抗议的人群感动,主动走到前台发表演讲。他表示,作为一名高中生他周围很少看到亚裔的面孔,这对他本来就已经很有压力,现在再出现Kimmel这样的散播仇恨的节目和言论,对青少年的影响可想而知。希望抗议能够唤起人们对这种言论的关注。





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