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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/1 8:23:43 Edit(编辑)
Tired of tumult? Teach you how to disappear from the network,

Tired of tumult? Teach you how to disappear from the network,

Tired of tumult?
Teach you how to disappear from the network-social media, shopping sites, search engines, e-mail, Internet, Internet-IT news Tired of tumult? Teach you how to disappear from the network

Sometimes work stress, fatigue and yearning for the mental and physical freedom of information explosion, will lead us to flee-but, escape wasn't that easy? Alone in seclusion in the mountains, wilderness survival, and such things, even on holiday today, how many people have had no signal will travel to distraction. Internet makes us more and more difficult to escape from the civilized world, but on the network if you're really determined to "evaporate", in fact, is not to be less than--Engadget website for everyone has prepared a practical guide to network evaporation.

First, how to say goodbye to social media

1. think about why you want to say goodbye to social media

-Due to concerns that the NSA (NSA), employers and potential partners see your fall wardrobe malfunction on the sofa drunk photo?

-Maybe you spend too much time prying on stupid shit in your life, to this stop, unable to extricate themselves?

-Or is that you decided to walk away on these social networking dog blood plot?

2. prepare to leave

-If people sent you do not want to be seen in the photo, just contact them and request deletion of photos. If you just delete your own account, and those photos will not disappear, because you can't control them.

You should also tell your current social circle, so that they were at a party you can notify you using email, SMS etc. If you find leaving social networking nobody to you party, then they are too lazy to inform you separately, and this friend is not worth mentioning.

3. think well do you want to give yourself a chance to look back

-If you do not want to play with Facebook, but still want to check back from time to time from the old photos, you can choose "deactivate" your account.

-By: enter the settings menu, select "deactivate your account" (Deactivate your Account).

(Photo: "are you sure you want to deactivate your account, please? "– A face cat, Justin Bieber and the small bar will be thinking of you! )

Please note: at this time Facebook would do everything possible to keep you and tell you that your friends will miss you--of course, Facebook did not ask them, just wanted to say so.

-When you are gone, friends can still read the messages have been sent, invite you to join groups or marked you in photos, but you will not receive notification of these events.

-If you want to return, there is a hidden deep in the Help menu option, where you can tell Mark Zuckerberg you bird he anymore.

-As long as you have "delete" his account request, your account will be completely cleared from the Facebook server, including all the content that you post.

Second, how to get rid of online retailers

1. online shopping will you do think about it if you leave?

-After leaving online retailers, you will have to go to the store to buy something.

-How often can you go to the grocery store to buy necessities, but it can buy books, DVD, games, appliances, home and clothes of the place can be a bit hard to find.

-Try to find their own might go--if possible, look for independent shops or "couples" stall, because they are not adopted by the General Assembly algorithms and huge databases to track customer activity.

(Photo: "this time I'm really! We finished. Amazon, I'm going to leave you! ”)

2. leave your online retailer

-The case of Amazon, you have to go to "contact us" (Contact Us) page, and then select "Prime and more" (Prime and More), and then in the second drop-down menu, select "close my account".

-Then, you have three options: tell Amazon--your phone number so that you will have a customer service representative to contact you, to send them an email, or enter the live Web chat.

Three, how to say goodbye to your search engine

1. prepare to leave

-Login to your Google or Bing search history

-Google--which will make a detailed record of your type in the search box content, including plenty of you dare not ask embarrassing questions of the parents, as well as the most "evil" of adult content.

-All in your settings menu, Bing, you can click on the gear icon on the home page, or to access the company's "my search history" (My Search History) page.

(Image: "I couldn't remember my search plush toys that thing! ”)

2. figured you out after all the services that rely on these information can not live

-The case of Google, the company is leveraging your search data to help you improve your search results, and can remember your preferences on YouTube and even through Google Now to provide you with information related to the situation.

-Look before you leap, Ah! Clear search history means you don't receive convenient reminders.

3. removal of information you do not want anyone to see

-If you are in Europe, so congratulations to you--you can take advantage of the "right to be forgotten" asked to withdraw from the Internet that makes you compromised Chen Sesame rotten millet.

Or, you can choose to edit your want your search providers can see and save specific information, or completely erase Web history.

Four intimate, how to make email more

1. to select a new e-mail service providers

-If you trust Google or any other free email service of privacy, you can do some homework to find new email service.

-The alternatives are many, we are once again featured several: from Switzerland's MyKolab, from Sweden's CounterMail, and last summer to move into Switzerland Neomailbox.

2. paying for new services more private, and more secure

-There are no free lunches-and more private, more secure email service for a fee, because they could not find the keyword in your Inbox to provide advertisements to you.

-Charge between $ 5 and $ 15 per month, and there are deep discounts if you purchase a package service.

3. to understand this in vain

-Operate private email server 15 years of benjieming·xier (Benjamin Mako Hill) found that although he is not a Gmail user, but he finds he has run nearly half of e-mail messages that are sent to Google's servers.

-Taking into account the personal information required for complete removal from the Google effort and expenses, you have to ask yourself one very important question: anyway, Google will eventually control all my data, so why would I need to hide it?

Finally, if you read this guide, maybe it means that you didn't get a chance to use it at all--after all, you have been accustomed to Taobao, Jingdong, app and having IT information the client lives!

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