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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:08:38 Edit(编辑)
New Pat network merchants a new policy: businesses free of charge,

New Pat network merchants a new policy: businesses free of charge,

New Pat network merchants a new policy: businesses free of charge-Pat-IT CBS News New Pat network merchants a new policy: businesses free of charge

Recently, the reloaded Pat network has fully entered the stage of investment. It is understood that the new Pat network, flow of the total launched relief support, a credit plan, tool support and other aspects of investment policy in the background.

Pat net investment policies, commitment to the individuals identified in the merchant is provided free of charge. All brand and entry qualification, and settled before September 1, 2014 the business there is no platform fees and commissions deducted points.

At the same time, moved for the convenience of sellers from other platforms to tap networks, Pat also provides a key to move functionality. Paid links, the new Pat will also be provided, including caifutong, online bank on-line third-party online payment, and delivery services.

For businesses interested in traffic issues, Jingdong Pat network in 2014 will also be deep flow of subsidies, including site traffic and inbound traffic. Traffic subsidy policy, Pat also made the entire station and drainage for the business, and foreign investment and subsidies as well as to ensure a balanced distribution of medium and small businesses.

For newly settled businesses, Pat also pledged to give businesses settled before September 1, 2014 1:1 advertising subsidies.

In addition, micro-shop has recently been hotly debated industry slapping the net show an open mind.

Pat network to support businesses through pockets thong, micro-micro-shops operated by third parties, such as eco-development and plans at the appropriate time using ecological resources in East Beijing on micro-end micro-Inn offers centralized solution to help micro-shop eco-business collaboration with Pat on the PC side, and patted the Terminal APP to maximize efficiency.

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