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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:08:21 Edit(编辑)
Moved: from each user who made more money in fewer,

Moved: from each user who made more money in fewer,

Moved: from each users earning less money, China Mobile, China Mobile's high profits, move profit-IT news Moved: from every user who made more money in fewer

Question about China Mobile's net profit is consistently high, Dong Xin, Deputy Chief Executive of China Mobile, said recently that China Mobile's profit may seem high, but by each person on average count is small, but less and less, that description China Mobile charges declined significantly.

Dong 盺 is held the day before the Dragon Boat Festival "China Mobile in 2013 sustainable development report" accepted media interview, announcement said. He said that China Mobile went from 100 million to more than 700 million, total earnings growth, but less profits to create each user.

According to 2013-national State-owned assets supervision central business performance data showed that cumulative revenues 2013 Central enterprises 24.2 trillion yuan, up 8.4%; hand over taxes totaled 2 trillion yuan, an increase of 5.2%; total profits of 1.3 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.8%.

Among them, China Mobile's net profit of 121.7 billion yuan, more than large enterprises generating much higher group profit of 74 billion yuan, equivalent to enterprises total profit nearly 10% at the same time, according to "China Mobile in 2013 sustainable development report" published content, mobile taxes to the State last year to 87.9 billion yuan, the equivalent of Central enterprises handed in taxes of 4%.

As early as in 2011, head of SASAC also said at that time, the Central enterprises is the gross profit of more than 10,000 yuan, the profit will pay 20% corporate income tax, paid up the remainder of more than 850 billion yuan. Enterprises 78% assets are listed, resulting in profits of enterprises 88%, this part of the profits belong to the shareholders of listed companies. Roughly speaking, the 60% belongs to state-owned shares of listed companies, 40% belong to other investors and, therefore, belong to the investors ' profits have more than 300 billion yuan, leaving more than 500 billion yuan to 122 is the parent company of Central State-owned enterprises and corporate enterprise provident funds of the parent company to deduct the more than 20%, then turned over the State-owned capital gains of more than 60 billion yuan, is parent company to acquire more than 200 billion yuan. The more than 200 billion dollars, both for the development of enterprises, and also solving the problems left over by history. Enterprises with more than 12 million workers and more than 7 million migrant workers, more than 6 million retired workers, "and they feed on people's livelihood. Our business community in the past, collective responsibility to take on a lot of these legacy issues need to be addressed gradually digested. ”

Therefore, enterprises like China Mobile by controversy on whether to pursue high profits, profits will be deemed to be competing with the higher profits, profits might operate if background is thought to have monopoly.

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