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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:07:50 Edit(编辑)
Google power balloon falls to the local population,

Google power balloon falls to the local population,

Google local residents caused by power outages-Google balloon balloons falling, Google-IT news Google balloon crashes caused by local resident loses power

Last week, Google is a high-tech Internet balloon company located in Seattle near yajiwa (Yakima) fell over the area, the balloon on the ground and hit a pole, led to power outages in homes around results. Proof Google about a week after it happened, this happened, they said: last year in New Zealand started Project since the Loon project, the company continues to do some research on the flight, continue to make this technology improved, they will tie in with local air traffic control facility for docking, and arrange for a team to handle the aftermath of the balloon upon landing.

Google conducted high altitude balloon project "Project Loon" aimed at Internet service coverage across the balloons to underdeveloped parts of the world. Google, meanwhile, is also trying to use satellite to expand the Internet popularization project, making its online services and advertising delivery system to cover more people. Have heard that Google is planning to spend $ 1 billion, satellite Internet access plan.

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