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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/6/1 9:15:55 Edit(编辑)
Intelligent iPod designer hardware development: with love

Intelligent iPod designer hardware development: with love(iPod设计师谈智能硬件开发:要有爱,)

Intelligent iPod designer hardware development: to love-smart hardware iPod-IT information Intelligent iPod designer hardware development: to love

Android Wear the iWatch, Sproutling, Nest to the heat transmission, intelligent hardware industry has entered the flourishing times. "Software is eaten hardware" the references don't look so fit people instincts of the hardware industry. But as an advocate of software design, yadangmaikebai (Adam MacBeth) believed that only provide an excellent end to end (end-to-end) product user experience, you might have users of all ages. Macbeth had to designers as part of the iPod, FiftyThree and Jawbone bracelet a smart pencil designs.

He said, "it is generally believed that through good industrial design and packaging will be able to launch change industry products, but that idea has not tried. Amazing industrial design has become the essential elements of an intelligent hardware. Really works for users is if you can provide the customer with an industrial design and the same excellent cross-device software system, which is no easy matter. ”

With the accelerated technological development, companies like Dragon Innovation for hardware production, supply chain and achieve a substantial reduction in the cost, and hundreds of hardware startup companies have sprung up in emerging. First Round Review business information website for Macbeth intelligent hardware how to hold people's hearts, how to create world-class products for the interview:

Manufacturing experience and not just a product

FiftyThree smart pencils were perceived in recent years one of the most aesthetic, one of the most revolutionary hardware works is not justified. Macbeth says, "it's all user experiences are designed around the way people work. You will find that the pencil there is no power button. When you tip it down in the corner on the iPad, it will automatically start working. Clever software design through connected devices and applications, this function can be realized. Multiple minor user experience similar to this were integrated into one device, the hardware will certainly stand out. ”

Your product should not be confined to a particular function. Macbeth says, "many of the company's hardware products on the market satisfies a basic need. Raise site is flooded with single function for wearable devices (think of watches, pedometers and the like). When there are more competitors come in, they move faster, they can provide more comprehensive set of hardware products. At this point, your company is in jeopardy. ”

"To be successful, your hardware needs software to help. ”

Macbeth says, "I have seen the most interesting devices are those elements of the physical world, integrated into the software of the device. You can do things on the program were very surprised. If you purchase a Tesla model s vehicle, you'll find its performance compared with six months ago there has been a pronounced improvement. This is due to software optimization to hardware performance for continuous improvement. This performance increase is already well beyond the user's previous forecast. ”

To be won under the present circumstances, the best way is to create a user connect multiple aspects of life in the software. He said, "this is the core of product differentiation. Beautiful industrial design is your minimum threshold for admission. You need different software with the right brand positioning, the right look and feel, as well as pertinent information together. If you can do all of these things, then I think you have all the elements of the next Apple or Tesla. The first time ever, outstanding start-up companies have achieved through excellent software talents to the challenge of the big opportunities. ”

Yet, for several reasons, to be successful is not easy:

· There is your product needs to have real needs.

· Your team needs to consist of multidisciplinary experts and be able to communicate seamlessly.

· Do you project to be processed in the course of technology, time and money constraints.

· On the premise of quality discount, you need to determine which jobs can be outsourced.

·, You need to make your product is both humane and practical engineering spent a lot of time and money.

For these practical difficulties, Macbeth shares his best practices. Hope this will help you develop a more than interesting and intelligent hardware market.

· To identify real problems to be addressed

· "The best new ideas exist in the real world and the junction of the software. ”

Sensor why get so much attention? This is one of the reasons. They allow us to collect data from the environment around, and then through the software to process these data. Low power wireless (Low-power radio) technology has also created a new category: the Internet of things. Which makes it possible to and around objects, realize our lives. Through the application of surrounding, we can save energy, increase the security of the home, our own environment more comfortable.

Macbeth says, "a first step, you should always observe which areas in the data? Which data can yield new opportunities? From this point of view, even if your starting point is very narrow and you may subsequently find out thousands of new directions. The key is, you have to think about what are the real needs of the people. ”

In General, people need ease of technology tools to help them reduce costs, increase, enhance the professional space, to help them upgrade their health status, and access to better quality of life. Type in search of useful new information, one of these human needs are for you the way.

Macbeth says, "I take a blood flow monitor technology as examples to back it up. "The Cue device through the blood and saliva samples were obtained by people's health standard. He said that "through this device, you can let people's medical costs and anxiety levels have dropped significantly. Since the corresponding sensor technology is already forming, you don't need to reinvent the chegulu. Through the software, you provide a high quality user experience for users, and of course, you won. ”

Once you've found a worthy question, you need to consider how your hardware through an end-to-end user experience to resolve any problems found. He said, "identifying those users are most difficult to deal with, or for the user the most challenging points. Identify opportunities for a you can provide users with the most value. On these points, integration between hardware and software had to be extremely close. ”

Let the tip touch screen to activate the device's mechanisms for Pencil users a very elegant to boot experience. In addition, the tablet can accurately identify writing tip and finger painting behavior when differences in value of system equipment. In both cases, work closely with software and hardware allows users to intuitively without the guidance will be able to start operation. Corresponding user experience that's as simple as writing with a pencil on the paper.

Hardware software team leadership development team

People to put it down to create a device, you will need to make more of the experts in the field of closer cooperation: user experience, sound design, industrial design, production, engineering, marketing, ... ... Your structure and clear communication is key. You absolutely can not consume energy in the wrong place.

First of all separate the engineering and manufacturing functions. Yes, in determining the design can be achieved within existing resources, they need to work together. However, you need to be clear is that both functional departments, skill sets and work rhythms are very different. Macbeth says, "when the manufacturing sector is also tackling a product, the Engineering Department may well be going to the next step. Don't let them offline at the same time working together. ”

Secondly, never let the hardware engineers as the leader of hardware design. This may surprise people. Macbeth says, "when you promote a product feature development, software teams should be allowed to assume leadership responsibilities. For users, the primary responsibility lies in the user experience pros and cons software team. "After determining the user experience you want to create, project leaders and staff in various fields working together to understand the possibilities. But in the end, should be employed by a software team to bring all the elements together and ensure the freshness of the product. They should apply the update with the firmware update, upgrade and supporting network services are always kept in sync.

Macbeth says, "I've seen start-ups are manufacturing team as team including software engineering, electrical engineering, engineering leadership team as a whole. No doubt, they end up launching products must have been a trivial, the commercialization of the product. ”

"The hardware is a multidisciplinary challenge, you need a multidisciplinary talent. ”

For hardware through software to achieve differentiation, Macbeth thinks it needs the support of a new technology skills. He believed that the skill will become the industry's most powerful skill set: "this man is a system-oriented software engineer, he should know how small the device power management, wireless signal and network communications, and so on. "The real problem is that such people are hard to find.

Macbeth says, "for start-up entrepreneurs, my suggestion is that you need to find an integrated talent. This recommendation applies equally for hardware companies. For those who understand the running mechanism of the human ecosystem as a whole, the project as a whole will be more easily controlled. For those who have a strong background in computer science for integrated talent, they can deal with any kind of software problem. ”

Limiting factors become less

In the covered physical product limit, clear communication is very key.

Macbeth says, "you'll encounter the limit categories: current state of technology to achieve what? How big is your endurance? Your level of what manufacturers can do? Most of the operations can be outsourced? Access to markets you need to spend a lot of time? "He said," there may be a wireless protocol will restrictions on the formation features of your product. You should make a list of a list of constraints and assess them. ”

In some cases, you are likely to get rid of obstacles to software. Indeed, addressing barriers of the result is the most advanced innovations that produce sources. Macbeth says, you come across limit people will encounter, if you can break you will get ahead.

Macbeth says, you should try to reduce the constraints of the circle smaller, "after trying to, you know it has loaded into the hard wall, you'll be able to take a step back from elsewhere looking for breakthrough innovation. ”

Dealing with constraints, Macbeth shows his killer: to ensure that everyone working for the same function. When different teams for wartime version coordination problems quickly arise. You can't allow this to happen. The product owner to control a single function, as functionality evolves, constantly upgrading it in a concentrated manner and should ensure that all team members understand that companies focus on ways to solve the problem.

In addition, Macbeth also spoke of the hardware is one of the weaknesses of the company control over the retail distribution chain. He said, you can't just keep an eye on the quality of our products, you have to take into account the retail and logistics chain.

Any constraints should be put in front of everyone's features and concentrate on solving the problem. Address constraints in a focused way, over time, your problems will continue to narrow. Previously faceless problems become quantifiable issues.

Macbeth says "hardware project lies in achieving a balance between the ideal vision and physical reality. ”

Not "outsourcing", please find a partner

Hardware startup how outsourcing is one of the often refers to Macbeth. Most start-ups do not have capacity to carry out large-scale production of hardware. At the same time, outsourcing costs have reached an unprecedented low level.

Outsourcing, Lady Macbeth says, "you can't simply as outsourcing outsourcing. The way you should be looking for partners looking for outsourcing firms. ”

If you find a partner to understand your product, your budget and your availability requirements, your company will be very good. In this case, you should be outsourcing business as soon as possible, because you can look at product molding process and the ability to apply adjustments made in the development process.

As time goes on, when you grow and attract more cross-cutting talents afterwards, you can gradually get the outsourced functions back into his hands. If possible, you should be able to keep important part of autonomous control ability of the business to enhance these links.

Think like a man

You may think it's crap, isn't it, Macbeth says, it's not nonsense.

He said, "the purpose of technology is to serve humanity and not the other. A good product is not based on the functional development. For hardware products, it is more important. Because we are talking about people in the physical world interact with every day. Touch of your product must be done well and blend into everyday life as a whole. ”

Keep in mind that the objects were of sentimental value . Macbeth says, "people buy the device is really, really going to fall in love with them. If you want to create a device that people really like, ugly must not be tolerated . Before the product is released, you must be able to achieve human level entirely candid. If things get inside look human enough these shortcomings in the listing will be magnified a hundredfold. User is not going to keep their critical voices, they will vote with their feet. ”

Software has become a new dimension for user to judge product quality. Create products meant for a human to provide all their daily interaction with products. These devices may be computers, cell phones, flat-panel, or cars. Macbeth says, "when you set your product vision, you need a thorough consideration of the user's daily life, think about them every day, every moment. What they are doing? At any point using your product, what are their expectations for your products? ”

The good news is, the software can make human demand-oriented development easier. Your software on the hardware's influence, your products are more likely to meet the human needs of users. He said, "the case of Tesla, it has great hardware certainly contains many innovations, but Tesla is actually a giant through the software firmware upgrade became a running car on the highway. ”

"Best products is the ability to remove the burden of humanity. They would say, ' put that burden to me. ’”

Macbeth says, "this software can bring about unexpected things. Some of the questions I often ask is: ' Why can't we do this thing for users? Why do users have to do such moves? Why can't it be done for them? ' We are more concerned about the user will create a better user experience. When technology components more after being hidden in the background, your product and the natural human life one step closer. ”


iPod设计师谈智能硬件开发:要有爱 - 智能硬件,iPod - IT资讯

Android Wear、Sproutling、Nest到热传的iWatch,智能硬件行业进入了百花齐放的时代。“软件正在吃掉硬件”这个提法看上去不太符合人们对硬件行业的直觉。但作为软件先行设计方式的倡导者,亚当麦克白(Adam MacBeth)认为,只有在提供了出色的端对端(end-to-end)用户体验后你的产品才可能获得用户的青睐。麦克白曾经以设计师的身份参与了iPod、Jawbone手环和FiftyThree智能铅笔的设计工作。


随着技术发展加速,像Dragon Innovation这样的公司让硬件的生产、供应链和渠道费用实现了大幅降低,成百上千的硬件初创企业犹如雨后春笋般的涌现出来。创业信息网站First Round Review对麦克白就智能硬件如何抓住人们的心,如何创造出世界级的产品进行了专访:








• 人们对于你的产品需要有真实的使用需求。

• 你的团队需要由跨领域的专家组成并且能够无缝沟通。

• 你的项目在开展的过程中要处理技术、时间和资金方面的限制因素。

• 在品质打折的前提下,你需要确定哪些工作可以外包。

• 你需要在使得你的产品兼具人性化和实用性的工程设计上花费大量的时间和资金。


• 找出真正的问题加以解决

• “最佳的新点子就存在于现实世界和软件的交界处。”

传感器为什么获得了那么多的注意?这就是原因之一。他们使得我们能够从周边环境收集数据然后通过软件对这些数据进行处理。低能无线(Low- power radio)技术也已经创造了一个新的品类:物联网。这使得我们能够和生活中周围的物体实现交流。通过环绕四周的应用,我们可以实现节能、增加住所安全性、让我们自己的环境更加舒适。





































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