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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/31 8:03:16 Edit(编辑)
Microsoft Small ice was born behind the scenes,

Microsoft Small ice was born behind the scenes,(微软小冰出世幕后,)

Born behind the scenes-Microsoft Microsoft Small ice small ice small ice-IT news Microsoft Small ice was born behind the scenes

Microsoft Bing search team Thursday afternoon, China released a smart chat robots, and called Microsoft's "little ice." In addition to intelligent dialogue, Microsoft's "small ice" as it stands, the Group reminded, Wikipedia, weather, horoscope, jokes, transportation guides, restaurant reviews and other practical skills.

To insiders, the rollout of the product obtained, and Executive Vice President, Microsoft worldwide lurkey sure, Microsoft's Bing search for decentralization in China localization of the first product.

Born behind the scenes

"Little ice" is essentially a robot that can chat, features from the product point of view, is not novel. But let the Bing search team is excited, this broke the Microsoft product development a lot of rules.

Microsoft Internet Academy brand and product engineering market leader Li Di introduced "small ice" was born from the end of 2013, he and a team of "Bing network code" front end forms a brainstorm, after a heated discussion, finally settled in the form of chat bot as the ultimate form of the product.

NET code is Bing launched a collection of encyclopedic knowledge of search products, myriad structured information after finishing, can provide a basis to chat bot idea, "Microsoft's small ice" answer volumes reached 15 million and growing.

After you determine the direction of a chat bot, a more than 10-person operation codenamed "social assistant" new dawn project group at Microsoft, Internet Engineering, and everyone started to get research and development.

In January 2014, Microsoft Executive Vice President, global lurkey early most of the "little ice" products, for the direction of the project in the affirmative, identified a "small ice" in China and Microsoft in the global launch of the Cortana as Bing's voice Assistant front-side showing.

In April, lurkey sees "little ice" after the actual operation of the process as a whole and officially approved projects, products into developed status. On May 29, the "little ice" officially released, the entire project took less than half a year.

Localization sample

In half a year to make a product, in Microsoft's view, did a little magic. According to Microsoft's past practice, a product from design to the final release may take 30-36 months, and "little ice" development of only 6 months. At the same time, this product, lurkey give guidance not only personally to the team, and also bold the Bing team try trial and error.

Behind all of this is because Microsoft is Bing of China's policy adjustment. Past, the Bing product development in United States for the first, and then extended to other global markets. But adjusted strategy is that Bing will emphasize "China first".

Lurkey previously within the company said that Microsoft and Bing is holding an attitude of learning into the mobile Internet market, China Bing in the mobile Internet field's new Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In China, Bing will also increase the intensity of local innovation and market development, and gives users more grounding of the product. There is no doubt that the "little ice" is such a localized product.

In fact, apart from Chinese team launched "little ice", Microsoft speech Assistant, Cortana is also live across the globe. These two products, a certain degree of overlap in functionality. However, why Microsoft would support China's team launched the "small ice"?

"Little ice" program Chief Development Director Jing Kun says, Cortana and the WP system of voice Assistant "little ice" is rooted in the data based on the Bing search, Cortana at the WP system, set up their own eco-system, and the "little ice" is a low profile in other companies in the ecosystem services provided. He said if the local market from China's point of view, "little ice" in China's importance ratings even higher than previous Microsoft Voice Assistant of Cortana.

It is learnt that, in order to enhance the user experience, "little ice" mostly don't make jump links in the chat, which also means "little ice" is difficult to search back. "Little ice" team members said that for Microsoft, "little ice" is a very large user base of contacts and source of the data, the greater is the value of optimizing Bing data structures and access to the user.


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