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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/27 9:15:01 Edit(编辑)
Famous Patriots, Ma Wanqi, passed away at the age of 95

Famous Patriots, Ma Wanqi, passed away at the age of 95(著名爱国人士马万祺先生逝世享年95岁)

Famous Patriots Ma Wanqi death _ who died at the age of 95 | Ma Wanqi | news

May 27, prominent social activists, the famous patriot, the industrial and commercial bank in Macau, a close friend of the Chinese Communist Party, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese people's political consultative conference Diba、JIU、Shi、shi session, President of the China literature Foundation, Honorary President of Chinese General Chamber of Commerce of Macao, Macao, Ma Wanqi, Chairman of China Investment Corporation, who passed away on May 26, 2014, at 18 o'clock in Beijing due to illness, at the age of 95.

  Ma Wanqi Biography:

Male, of Han nationality, born in October 1919, Guangzhou, Guangdong, university degrees, honorary doctorate of business administration from the University of East Asia, Macau, Jinan University, an honorary doctorate.

1938-1941 Thai Sang Yong Yu Chang in Hong Kong and acted as Manager

1941-1944 moved to Macau, met with friends to organize constant prosperity, He Shenghang, Tai Fung Bank, Heng Kee company as Chief Superintendents, General Manager and other staff

1944-1946 Kiang Wu Hospital charity directors, Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Board

1946-1947 to form a new Bank

1947-1948 overseas firms are organised as General Manager and Chairman

1948-1950 served as Vice Chairman and a member of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce of Macao, Vice President

1950 yihou Macau Chinese education will governing, and, Chairman of, and honorary consultant,, Macau Labour Education Association into will Director (1952), in Macau any basket volleyball always, and Pong always, and swimming always, and chess always, President, Macau East University Board President, and Advisory will President, haojiang middle school, and culture road middle school, and commercial training night middle school, and general middle school, and Green Island Elementary School, and mirror flat elementary school, Council will President; in mainland any South enterprise company, and Guangdong overseas investment company, and Guangdong International Trust and Investment Corporation, and Guangzhou international trust and Investment Corporation, and China international investment company directors, and Deputy Chairman, vocational; has any cum South University, and Nanjing University, and Jones Lang LaSalle Kay agricultural college Deputy Chairman, Guangzhou University, and sea middle school, and he xiangning Memorial School honorary principals, Guangdong Province Chamber of Commerce and industry Deputy main Board, and Honorary President, Guangdong Province CPPCC Executive members, Chinese National Chamber of Commerce and industry Standing Committee of the, national CPPCC Executive members, National Standing Committee members, Macau S.A.R. Basic drafted Committee Deputy, Chairman of the, Macau LC members, President of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce of Macao, Macao native companies in China, Tai Sang building real estate company, the construction development company limited, new China, Chairman of Sino Land Company Limited and other staff.

Th national CPPCC members, the six session of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC, eight, nine, ten sessions, plenary session of CPPCC National Committee Vice-Chairman. Six sessions, the annual session of the national people's Congress, Member of the national people's Congress Standing Committee. (Information provided according to people's daily online finishing)

May 27, 2014, at 09:06 China News Network




  1938―1941年 在香港成立泰生行永裕昌并出任经理

  1941―1944年 移居澳门,先后与友人组织恒丰裕行、和生行、大丰银号、恒记公司等任总监督、总经理等职

  1944―1946年 镜湖医院慈善会董事、副董事长、董事会主席

  1946―1947年 组织新中行

  1947―1948年 组织大华行任总经理、董事长

  1948―1950年 出任澳门中华总商会理事、副理事长、副会长、会长

  1950以后 澳门中华教育会理事、理事长、名誉顾问等,澳门劳工教育协进会主任(1952年),在澳门任篮排球总会、乒乓总会、游泳总会、象棋总会等会长,澳门东亚大学董事会主席、咨询会主席,濠江中学、培道中学、商训夜中学、广大中学、青洲小学、镜平小学等校董会主席;在内地任华南企业公司、广东华侨投资公司、广东国际信托投资公司、广州国际信托投资公司、中国国际投资公司董事、副董事长等职;曾任暨南大学、南京大学、仲恺农业学院副董事长,广州大学、南海中学、何香凝纪念学校名誉校长,广东省工商业联合会副主委、名誉会长,广东省政协常务委员,中华全国工商业联合会常委,全国政协常务委员,全国人大常委会委员,澳门特别行政区基本法起草委员会副主任委员,澳门立法会议员,澳门中华总商会会长,澳门中国土特产公司、大生建筑置业有限公司、联生发展有限公司、新建华建筑置业有限公司董事长等职。



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