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published in(发表于) 2016/7/6 13:12:17 Edit(编辑)
Shandong Haiyang Court asked police for sponsorship fees, judicial police corruption 38,000

Shandong Haiyang Court asked police for sponsorship fees, judicial police corruption 38,000(山东海阳法院要求干警拉赞助费,法警贪污3.8万)



Shandong Haiyang Court asked police officers pull sponsorship Marshal corrupt 38,000 | corrupt | sponsorships | Shandong _ news
Yantai intermediate people's Court

So far, Haiyang, Yantai City, Shandong province high court orders retrial in court bailiffs Xin Haochun was found guilty of corruption cases has been almost 7 months, exceeding time limit for conclusion of the statutory nearly 1 month, but Xin Haochun has not yet received a notice of trial, and his lawyer appealed to law, Yantai intermediate court hearing the retrial is proceeding.

Qian Street first, (micro-signal: qianjieyihao) reporter understand to, Xin Haochun had was Yantai in the hospital judge corruption 38,000 yuan, this pen money original is Haiyang court trial of other case in the of implementation paragraph, by should collection Party agreed will this pen money to to the Hospital of sponsored fee, Yantai in the hospital finds, evidence displayed Xin Haochun will the pen payments out, but cannot proved Court received has this pen sponsored fee, was to Xin Haochun made corruption crime sentenced to its shall be sentenced to 3 years, probation three years.

  Court employees are required to pull sponsorship

Haiyang Sun Dekui, Deputy Director of the Court in charge of the implementation of many who had participated in the work of the court personnel is confirmed in the testimony, since 1999, had led the Court in the General Assembly requested the court staff for sponsorship fee, to the finance section of the Court, month issued to executives. Sun Dekui said in a testimony signed on January 16, 2011, "the Court encourages the Court policemen work together and strengthen the construction of facilities at the Court, where key enterprises of the banking system and practice of the case, to grant the Court must sponsor give policemen a certain benefit proportionately. ”

Xin Haochun were convicted of corruption cases is the reason. Judgement of the Court in 1998, Haiyang, defendant Guo town, laizhou, Haiyang Agricultural Experiment Station to pay the plaintiff pine breeding maize seed 999159 Kuang Wei's Yuan, after its entry into force by Xin Haochun enforcement of sentences. Haiyang Xin Haochun is the second Chamber of the court bailiff. Testimony showed that former President of the second Chamber Wang, and pines after consulting the head of Kuang Wei decided to recover all amounts awarded, pine Court sponsored Kuang Wei Haiyang 100,000 yuan.

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Retry resolutions

File evidence, the case then recovery implementation of 465,000 yuan, pine Kuang Wei reached a settlement with the laizhou Agricultural Experiment Station. In the 465,000 yuan, 15,000 Yuan by another Executive Xin Le began in 1999 and completed, and Wang 10,000 yuan as sponsorship fees, another 50,000 yuan from pine Kuang Wei directly away from the laizhou Agricultural Experiment Station.

Xin Haochun, executed by him 400,000 yuan, he took out 90,000 yuan from the 400,000 yuan as sponsorship fees. On May 27, 2000, the end of the enforcement cases comments looks up the file closed.

Testimony showed that on April 2, 2001, pine head of Kuang Wei Haiyang to the Court found Wang, saying the laizhou Agricultural Experiment Station default, reconciliation between the abolition, and the Court as they recover only half implemented, so a refund of half of the sponsorship fee. Wang, in charge of the President after Sun Dekui, Wang Dekui agreed to return to the village of 50,000 yuan.

Pine head of Kuang Wei Xin Haochun, who the day of execution issued transcripts showed that pine Kuang Wei has received 310,000 before implementation. Soon, withheld 100,000 yuan in sponsorship fees of 50,000 yuan Kuang Wei returned to pine.

On July 4 this year, the former street first (micro signal: qianjieyihao) court reporter called Haiyang Office and lab, they are called when the Court asked staff from executive sponsorship deduction who is not informed, "for several stubbles led, were unaware of the situation."

  Former Marshal was convicted of corruption of 38,000 yuan sponsorship

Xin Haochun, in 2000 when he performed in this case, Haiyang was a general marshals of the second Chamber of the Court. March 2, 2000, 100,000 sponsorship money has been turned over 42,000 yuan, the same day, he was requested by the President Wang, will be given to 58,000 pine Kuang Wei yuan in sponsorship fees to the Court on behalf of the finance section.

He said, for next day pine Kuang village board personnel future Court led case paragraph, he not determine village Board whether agreed will this pen money handed Court Dang sponsored fee, "financial personnel let I first put these money to case paragraph save in, if village Board not agreed, let they directly to case paragraph of name take go, if agreed, on zhihou again to sponsored fee". Haiyang receipt issued by the finance section of the Court shows that the day they receive the laizhou agricultural experiment stations case 58,000 yuan.

Xin Haochun told the street first before (micro signal: qianjieyihao) the next day, pine Kuang Wei Hui has not objected and took the other, "President Wang on the day let me to financial sponsorship fee 20,000 yuan to finance told me a line", he wrote in their own name from financial receipt received 20,000 yuan. On April 7, 2000, the money has been returned to the pine Kuang Wei finished, "38,000 yuan of the Wang, let me put the rest into sponsorship, so I in accordance with the requirements of the section, on behalf of the Director of the village Committee Jiang Xue had receipts."

Xin Haochun said, when writing these receipts to sponsorship of only doing case procedures, he did not get the money. Haiyang Sun Dekui, Deputy Director of the court testimony said the hospital payment amounts at the time more than 10,000 yuan, and required him to sign to receive, "policemen are not allowed by the regulation brought separately, not in charge of the President signed, accounting will not issue". Counsel suggested that Xin Haochun has not actually taken 38,000 yuan in cash.

Since then, the Xin Haochun second Chamber Vice President, Executive Secretary, Director of the Office of the Tribunal and other staff. On June 25, 2009, was transferred to the municipal demolition Xin Haochun suddenly detained by the Yantai City prosecutor's Office in the Office of the headquarters, and on June 30 on suspicion of carrying out the judgement, convicted of abuse crimes, bribery, Fushan district, Yantai City Procuratorate approved the arrest of.

On January 28, 2010, Fushan District Public Prosecutor's Office to Xin Haochun arrested for enforcement of sentences, convicted of abuse, negligence, bribery, corruption crimes be prosecuted to the Fushan District Court. On May 25 of that year, Fushan district court verdict, saying there was sufficient evidence of Kuang Wei Xin Haochun pine, on behalf of the owner of the 38,000 yuan from Ocean finance out of the Court, said the absence of the defendant taken out just turn into sponsorships, Haiyang, the financial accounts of the Court has not received the funding.

Witness Sun Dekui, Wang, Jiang Xue's testimony can only prove the case consult with the Court to the Court of more than 50,000 yuan sponsorship fees, but do not prove that the Court must receive the sponsorship of this grant. Only Xin Haochun, as practitioners of this implementation will be 38,000 yuan in the name of Jiang Xue removed evidence, but this is not evidence to the Court under subsection, which justifies turning into sponsorship is not a reason. Therefore, the Court considers, 38,000 yuan Xin Haochun be illegal as their own, Prosecutor accused Xin Haochun was convicted of corruption and sentenced him to 3 years of imprisonment.

In addition, Fushan District Court has not found that apart from the corruption of the public prosecution service to prosecute offences and facts.

  High Court retrial delay hearing

Xin Haochun Fushan district against the aforementioned judgment of the Court of appeal, appeal decision in the Yantai intermediate court on August 16, 2010, again finds that the Court of first instance on the Xin Haochun of corruption are identified, however, Xin Haochun, their relatives pleaded guilty on behalf of 38,000 Kickback money from revision to 3 years of imprisonment, suspended for 3 years.

On April 11, 2014, Xin Haochun came to the Commission's inspection teams submitted material, saying it does not get 38,000 yuan, written receipt is to sponsor procedures. After 10 days, find Xin Haochun, Yantai Yantai intermediate court and staff of the public prosecutor's Office, said the ccdi inspection group has forwarded to the Yantai Communist Party overseeing the case, they will investigate the matter. After two or three months, Shandong province High Court staff also find his understanding of the situation. On December 10, 2015, the Xin Haochun receive a retrial in Shandong province High Court decision, saying the Court held that the original judgment of the second instance's findings of fact are not clear, Xin Haochun reconsider the grounds for the appeal in accordance with the conditions of the trial, decision directive according to law, Yantai intermediate court shall form a collegial panel rehearing the case, signed December 9.

Has been in the past 7 months, but Xin Haochun never wait until the notice of trial. Period, he repeatedly find the Yantai intermediate court, public prosecutor's Office, they said they have begun to certiorari, but he has not told his hearing when retrial.

Street first before (micro signal: qianjieyihao) on July 4 call the Yantai Intermediate Court Department, Research Office of the person contacted to interview, but the afternoon of July 5, which calls always unanswered.

Xin Haochun hired of Liu Hongchen lawyer said, penalty v method No. 207 article provides, court according to trial supervision program review trial of case, should in made questioned, and retrial decided of day up three months within concluded, need extended term of, shall not over six months, but from December 9, 2015 has has past near 7 months is still not Court retrial, obviously over statutory concluded term, he calls for Yantai in the hospital law case, as soon as possible court.

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Sponsorship of corruption in Shandong province

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山东海阳法院要求干警拉赞助费 法警贪污3.8万|贪污|赞助费|山东_新闻资讯



























责任编辑:张淳 SN182

贪污 赞助费 山东


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