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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/27 8:48:27 Edit(编辑)
Tencent recognize micro-maximum number of personal friends,

Tencent recognize micro-maximum number of personal friends,(腾讯确认微信个人号好友数上限,)

Tencent recognize maximum number of friends-micro, micro-friends, micro-signals-IT news Maximum number of Tencent recognize micro-personal friend,

For last week personal micro-signal contact number will set 5000 people ceiling of rumors, Reporter yesterday from Tencent aspects get exact replies, recently micro-letter will for part through big bulk added friends engaged in commercial marketing of personal micro-signal made contact number limit, set limited ceiling determines for 5000 people (not including user is located group of members number), and for user reported more, malicious harassment, involves sales fakes, and fraud and commercial infringement of personal micro-signal, pursuant to about legal regulations and user agreement for punishment processing. Marketing micro-believe it or not, encourages the use of circle of friends, but not combat, restrict the marketing practices of legal compliance.

At the same time, marketing practices, to avoid public harassment on the user's normal experience, Tencent also has specific. On one hand, micro letters every month, strictly limits the mass number (4), on the other, for subscription users dislike more, "collection of great marketing" platform in the micro-micro-public notice on sharing behavior induced by a clear punishment mechanism.

In addition, the "derivative" message--popular in circles of friends news release contains words such as Alipay, remittances, transfers, Bank, could face account banned from the company responds to the message are not true. Itself through micro-payments and financial management provides practical functions, such as envelopes, transfers, banks are now, on the other, users of chat conversations are encrypted, micro-won't play on this sensitive information to make monitoring and filtering, ensure that users ' privacy is not violated.


腾讯确认微信个人号好友数上限 - 微信好友,微信号 - IT资讯


同时,为避免公众号的营销行为对用户的正常体验造成骚扰,腾讯也有具体作为。一方面,微信严格限制了服务号的每月群发条数(4条);另一方面,对于时下用户反感较多的订阅号“集赞营销”,微信在《微信公众平台关于诱导分享行为的公告》 中有明确的处罚机制。



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