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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/9 7:36:58 Edit(编辑)
YTO express anger,

YTO express anger,(圆通快递惹众怒,)

YTO express public outrage-YTO Express, stone-IT news YTO express anger

Guangxi Beihai Ning express stop or suspend by tens of thousands of pieces of express mail bin, members of the public express pick-up times slam. At present, the company tried to seize the customer express parcel blackmailed headquarters recovered high profitable Bell a Beihai police arrest.

Beihai police 8th describes suspect Chung Ning Express for investment in the North Sea a few years ago, join yuantong express limited Guangxi branch operations in the North Sea. In April 2013, the clock in Beihai city is divided into four divisions, each charge of 300,000 yuan, respectively, and Lin, Luo, Cai Mou and Lin x 4 person signed a contract to join.

During the Bell 50% stake in the company to qinzhou man Su, charge a transfer fee of 800,000 yuan. On March 1 this year, yuantong express Shanghai Head Office introduced new policies, 1010 bunker charge per month will be increased to 1800 Yuan. Bell and affiliates have expressed unacceptable, arguing that profit margins are too small, continued operational difficulties, and the operating loss in the first quarter of this year, "the lion's open mouth," paying the millions of dollars, require recycling the company's express business is responsible for the Shanghai headquarters.

On April 23 of this year, Shanghai head office delay in response, Bell will convene consultations of Heads of its four divisions. Bell believes that as long as the message is not available, the backlog, a great difference, headquarters will send a person to deal with, just when negotiations, the others hit it off.

The next day, yuantong express-owned outlets in the North Sea all closed.

On April 28, the reporters had come to YTO express several operations in the North Sea, see the door closed, posted a notice to customers on the door said: Shanghai yuantong headquarters long outstanding costs caused the company not operating correctly. To discuss preparation of backlog of shipments from members of the public to eat the "cold shoulder."

Police disclosed that as of the afternoon of April 26 tact at Shanghai and Guangxi has sent people to the North Sea, North Sea xingning (YTO) backlog of parcels by courier company and its four divisions up to 14,155.

Currently, yuantong express service has been transferred to the tact of Guangxi branch acceptance in the North Sea, the backlog of parcels are properly addressed, allegedly forced Beihai police trading Bell, crime had been legally detained, case is still under further investigation.


圆通快递惹众怒 - 圆通快递,四通一达 - IT资讯










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