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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/3/30 5:37:58 Edit(编辑)
Frenzied website: crash experience how big is our solar system,

Frenzied website: crash experience how big is our solar system,(丧心病狂的网站:崩溃体验太阳系到底有多大,)

Frenzied website: experience how big is our solar system-the crash site-IT news Frenzied website: crash experience how big is our solar system

We all know that the universe is big, big, big, but how much, I am afraid that the vast majority of people do not have a clear concept. Actually, even if we're living in a small solar system, its huge extent is enough to drive a man crazy.

Liu Cixin's science-fiction novel of the three-body 2: there's a scene in the dark forest, in the face of the true scale of the solar system map, almost all of China's first group of officers of the air force crashed.

Now, you too can experience their collapse:

This page to true, precise ratio shows the vastness of the solar system. The Moon's diameter (3474.8 km) appear as one pixel, then list the Sun and the eight planets and Pluto (you're not planets, but we still love you) to size and distance from each other.

Just press the right direction key, will be able to proceed from the Sun, go as far as Pluto. The bottom of the screen will instantly show you the distance until nearly 6 billion kilometres to go.

You might think that's OK, but, you know, takes a long time to get over it? Boredom or obsessive enough to try it, or I'll tell you this: about 40 minutes.

This boredom can really make people mad, because you face most of the time is just a black background, because the space is so big.

And, you know, Pluto is the solar system's station, far from the edge and further afield and the Kuiper belt, Oort Cloud, the solar wind and the interstellar wind balance edge, the edge of the Sun's gravity, and so on. Voyager first by the long trek.

To keep everyone too boring, website designers in the middle to join a lot of ridicule, thinking, such as: "coming up yo! "" Lied to you! Only now is coming up. "" Next stop is all distances before you walked 3 times. "" Know why solar system was disproportionately drawn. "" 1064 monitors you want to buy in order to lay down this picture. "" Mad yet? Can't see anything, you know, a long time, the brain will make up something illusory. ”

Website for lazy also provides shortcut navigation, just click any one of the icons at the top of the page, and you will instantly find the corresponding planet.

Alternatively, you can view the source code of a Web page directly, savor those words.

The way to introduce "the Sweden solar system model", the world's largest permanent model of solar system. It in a 1:20 million ratio, accurate restores the size of planets and other celestial bodies within the solar system, and placing all models depending on the distance scale in Sweden at various locations in the country.

From the Sun model, want to see Pluto model, you have to walk 300 kilometers and the Terminal to get the solar waves (a concept on the edge of the solar system), you'll have to trek 950 kilometers, is basically in Sweden from North to South.


丧心病狂的网站:崩溃体验太阳系到底有多大 - 网站 - IT资讯















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