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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 8:09:44 Edit(编辑)
On the importance of broadband upgrade to economic growth,

On the importance of broadband upgrade to economic growth,(论宽带升级对经济增长的重要性,)

Theory on economic growth-the importance of broadband-IT broadband upgrade information On the importance of broadband upgrade to economic growth

Overview: consumers, businesses, research institutes and education on Internet usage has been growing exponentially, this pattern of growth is also great pressure on our current broadband infrastructure. Now, people seem to fail to take into account the broadband networks of importance to economic growth and prosperity.

To this end, the United States further communication (CIENA), Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of shidifu·yalishanda (Steve Alexander) recently, " why broadband network upgrades are essential to economic growth ," explains this issue. Alexander's article reads.

Argument "improving United States federal debt ceiling if the correct options for the country" as this topic, networking industry is now embroiled in a debate about this debate is around the "need to improve network data connection speeds" expand this theme. Network capacity-constrained circumstances, such restrictions on consumers, businesses, research institutions and the economy as a whole are very unfavourable, and network-related developments and innovations will be limited restrictions, in such situations, television role as an important economic driver is supposed to need to upgrade to greater levels of concern.

High-speed, high-capacity network to our decision will play an important role in the future, because this will support the global Internet and digital economy. To a large extent, based on 100G technology network has become the solution to the current mainstream development needs, and this is also reflected in the traditional network architecture and the size of a great leap forward. It should be said that soon after, our network technology base will exceed 100G, will even expand to 400G, 10Terabit is more likely to create the network.

Wire fees:

There is no doubt that more and more users demand for networking. We have "fast-track" to be a "connected world", in fact, it is just beginning. According to Internet World Stats data shows that over the past 10 years, the global number of Internet users grew by as much as 7 times, increasing from per cent in 2000 to 2.4 billion in 2012. In order to ensure that 2.4 billion people enjoy a high quality experience of the Internet, so some people think, network communications infrastructure should also be expanded to 7 times more than doubled, so now users can have, like 12 years ago, the network speed.

However, as we all know, that is not the case.

Today, the enormous changes in the way we use the Internet. Facebook unveiled in early 2004, and YouTube launched in 2005 launched; Netflix started streaming video services in 2007, and in 2008 after joining the ranks of video streaming service. These services have been clearly reflects how consumers use the Internet has evolved from a simple text email into rich media and streaming video services. In addition, except for wired connection to network, wireless Internet, also developed significantly. From this, then the simple connection of the pressure on traditional networks have been great.

According to our assessment, if New York City's 8 million people, only 10% population trying to stream movies, then the network infrastructure needs will be the network transmission capacity of 1.6Terabit per second. This demand will lead to overload your network, and by virtue of existing technologies to meet such needs also take enormous costs. However, if you are unable to provide the required speed, that would mean that users watch online video, there is a lower-quality picture playback, pixel count, pause and so on, which are not willing to accept the results of the current user.

This demand is the same, of course, also appears in the wireless Internet. Over the past 10 years, mobile devices (smartphones, tablet computers, e-readers, laptops etc) usage patterns can be described as showing explosive development. In fact, according to multiple news sources in the industry shows that global annual mobile device shipments this year are expected to reach more than 2 billion units. According to CCS Insight's data show that at the current pace, is expected by 2017, the mobile device shipments will exceed the number of the global population. As the number of these devices continues to grow, more and more rich media content is required by the user, in this case, we face the dilemma in network capacity.

A typical case:

Recently, the Denver Broncos football team (Denver Broncos), Vice President, IT business noted that in terms of this year's event, user has been uploading network traffic for the first time often exceeds the download traffic situation. The reason is this: user's "self portrait" and large play short video content results. In recognition of this situation, a football team-the San Francisco gold rush team (San Francisco 49ers) will be installed in their new Stadium next year a 10 Gbps Internet connection infrastructure to meet the needs of users.

Simply put, now it even higher speeds and more network capacity, to ensure that users have access to high quality experience.

Business user needs:

Business user does not make any difference. Because of measures IT virtualization and enterprise use of cloud computing, mobile, video, and bring your own device of Office policies and other factors affect enterprise user demand for network capacity is also on the rise. For enterprise users, data centers, corporate data center and between data centers to the cloud often also require more bandwidth, thus contributing to the day-to-day running, and do a data backup and recovery failures.

For example, medical institutions are faced with managing paper records to electronic medical data arising from the data file into the challenges of explosive growth. Today, more and more towards networked electronic medical records at the same time, picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) produced by image has a high resolution, which often require more network capacity, in addition, large files can reduce the traditional network speed. This change but also to the increase in the volume of data and storage, fault activity has brought an increasing number of problems, and these problems are medical IT industry has not previously been seen.

In fact, the United States Mongolia Institute of market research firm (Ponemon Institute) in 2012, the survey found that about 30% data storage of medical data. About 45% per cent of the respondents believed that their factory is planning to upgrade the storage devices in the coming year. There is no doubt that, with increasing storage requirements, bandwidth requirements are also on the rise.

Research and education network requirements:

Research and educational institutions around the world are engaged in projects require large amounts of bandwidth. From shaping the human brain (approximately 100 billion neurons, and spread over 1000 per cent between the connection point) model for this task, in General, this is equivalent to total 100 trillion connections points. In order to mimic the task, which requires a lot of high performance computing infrastructure and database technologies, and it also gives the network a lot of ability to pay.

For example, in 2010, Canada Brain Imaging Network (CBRAIN) shows how the network of 100-Gigabit per second links used to support research and development work. After using this connection speed, researchers in Canada brain imaging research network and the network of StarLight networks between d and 4D of Chicago video. This show also reflects the remote physicians and students how to use the Internet to learn new methods, look at patients as well as interacting with the surgical site.

Role of the network:

In the current circumstances, communications networks play an important role, and thus the demand for speed is imminent. Consumers, businesses, research institutes and education sectors to network communications infrastructure demand is also growing at an unprecedented rate. Investments that meet the needs of these advanced networks, to maintain user's love of new and better services also plays a crucial role, and this will ultimately promote revenue growth, and ultimately inspire research innovations.


论宽带升级对经济增长的重要性 - 宽带 - IT资讯


为此,美国讯远通信(CIENA)公司高级副总裁兼首席技术官史蒂夫·亚历山大(Steve Alexander)近日对“宽带网络升级为何对经济增长至关重要”这一问题进行了阐述。亚历山大的文章内容如下。




毫无疑问,用户对网络的需求将会越来越多。我们已经“快速”成为一个“连网的世界”,事实上,这才是刚刚开始。据Internet World Stats的数据显示,在过去的10年中,全球互联网用户数量增长了7倍之多,从2000年的3.6亿增加到了2012年的24亿。为了确保这24亿网民能够享用高质量体验的互联网,因此也有人认为,网络通讯基础架构也应当扩容7倍多,这样现今的用户才能拥有与12年前一样的网络速度。




这种同样的需求当然也出现在无线互联网之中。在过去的10年中,移动设备(智能手机、平板电脑、电子阅读器、笔记本等)使用量可以说是呈现出爆炸式的发展格局。事实上,据业界多个消息源显示,今年全球年度移动设备总出货量预计将达到20亿台以上。另据CCS Insight的数据显示,如果按照当前的速度发展,预计到2017年时,移动设备出货量将超过全球总人口数。随着这些设备数量的不断增长,丰富的网络媒体内容也越来越被用户所需,在这样的情况下,我们在网络能力方面又面临着两难困境。


最近,丹佛野马橄榄球队(Denver Broncos)的IT业务副总裁指出,在今年的赛事方面,首次出现了用户的网络上传流量常常超过下载流量的局面。其中的原因就是:用户的“自拍内容”和大戏剧短视频内容导致的结果。在认识到这一情况之后,另一支橄榄球队—旧金山淘金者队(San Francisco 49ers)将于明年在他们的新体育场内安装一对10 Gbps的互联网连接基础设施,以此来满足用户的需求。





事实上,美国市场研究机构波耐蒙研究所(Ponemon Institute)在2012年的一项调查发现,全球约30%的数据存储都是医疗数据。约45%的受访者认为,他们的工厂正计划在未来一年内对存储设备进行升级。毫无疑问,随着存储需求量的增加,带宽需求同样也在增加。







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